Who's behind the door... who's behind the door?

#57579 by blackwings
Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:58 am
geoff wrote:hey hey !!! welcome dude
I saw them at the progpower and they played "storm" "suicide" "deadhead" "away" and "slow me down"

cool man thanks - going on a search for info about any upcoming DTB releases :D :D

#57655 by ianlogan123
Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:53 pm
I like most of AE. I think the only song I dislike is Away. I know that won't be apopular opinion, but what they hey!

The production on that album is possibly my favourite (mind you, Infinity?) - every instrument blends perfectly, but can be heard easily on its own. Ryan's drum sound is really good. I prefer it to Gene's.

#57730 by psychotic
Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:57 pm
There isn't a track on Accelerated Evolution that I think is a bad song by any means. As far as the magic goes, for me, after a while I do listen to the CDs less than when I first got them (as with any CD), but Devin is an artist, and one of the very few for me, that whenever he puts out something new, or whenever I get something new from him (such as DevLab will be before too long), I go back and listen to everything I have from him, and I enjoy it all just as much as I did the first time I listened to it. Then I go back to waiting again after that.

#57761 by Coma Divine
Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:08 pm
The only thing that concerns me about AE at the moment is its current location.


Where the fuck IS IT??? :evil:

Damn I hate that. *commences trashing entire house*

#57773 by Persuader
Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:48 am
I think AE is Devs most straight forward and "simple" album, if you catch my drift. It has some _very_ good moments (storm, suicide), some less good parts, but all in all it´s another fine snapshot of Devs life. The good, the bads...

#57935 by Silicium Gentleman
Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:52 pm
Greg Reason wrote:I understand what you are saying, but I dissagree that "the magic is gone"... To me, it's a good album with some of his best shit ever on it (Suicide, Deadhead, Storm) and some of his worst shit ever on it (Random Analysis, Slow Me Down). I just don't think it is as consistant as Infinity, Terria or Ocean Machine.

Similarly, the production kicks ass but doesn't glue the tracks together in the manner that I love so much. This is OK - obviously it was intended to be seperate songs and it's nice to have a Devy album with individual tracks rather than pieces of a complete picture, but I personally prefer the big picture method, I think it shows far more craft.

As for it sounding like Terria or Ocean Machine or whatever, I dunno, I can hear similarities but I don't think that it is too close to either of those. It seems like a distinct, futuristic poppy metal sorta thing, which is different to all of the above. But there are admitedly some familiar sounds and production techniques, but it is the same dude doing this so we must give him credence there.

Devin mentioned that because he was making the two albums at the same time, he didn't feel the need to reinvent himself this time around, which would explain these things. Personally, I feel AE to be far superior to SYL, which I think is almost a complete waste of time coming after the monolithic masterpiece that is City...

I guess the other stuff you mention (drums, etc) is just personal opinion. I tend to like Devin's mixes and I find little problem with the sounds he pulls, so that stuff is merely subjective. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think AE is a bad album at all, just not as good as he has been. I have great hopes for both Alien and also the new DTB releases, I feel that because they are being concentrated on seperately they will both be far superior to their predecesors.

You have re-assumed the feelings I wanted to patch here, and you did it best then myself! We have occupied a lot of space, here, so, think, that would be enough. I've had what I wanted.

Shall we dance?

#57948 by disgruntledembryo420
Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:39 pm
So here's my deep, thought-provoking, gut-wrenching, pretensiously critical opinion about AE: ...............

It kicks monkey balls, and then some!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :string: :guitar:

#58203 by armheadmcgee
Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:51 pm
i dont care what anyone says..."slow me down" rules.

#58249 by ianlogan123
Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:31 pm
Amen to that! All together now...


#58259 by a_random_person
Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:12 pm
Weird thing....it has always taken me a while to actually like any album from Devin. Same thing with AE, when I first got it, I was like 'what?...'

Like about a few weeks later, I was listening to it on my way to Reno sometime during the afternoon and every single song just came to life. Later on, I noticed one thing. All the songs on AE were much more raw, straight-forward and well, simple! No crazy ambience, much of the vocals aren't layered, it's pretty much just Devin being down to earth in all ways. So yeah, I never know what he'll come up with next but I do know that it will take me a while and that time period is very much worth it.

#58266 by Sinkharmony
Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:15 pm
a_random_person wrote:Weird thing....it has always taken me a while to actually like any album from Devin. Same thing with AE, when I first got it, I was like 'what?...'

Like about a few weeks later, I was listening to it on my way to Reno sometime during the afternoon and every single song just came to life. Later on, I noticed one thing. All the songs on AE were much more raw, straight-forward and well, simple! No crazy ambience, much of the vocals aren't layered, it's pretty much just Devin being down to earth in all ways. So yeah, I never know what he'll come up with next but I do know that it will take me a while and that time period is very much worth it.

The best albums are like that. One day the light goes off and it's like "wow!". I felt the same way the first time I heard Devin (City), when I heard Ocean Machine, Infinity, AE, etc.

Perhaps one of the greatest feelings in the world.

#58272 by Noodles
Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:33 pm
I find that too enjoy any album made by a talented person I have to sit in my room and just listen too it. If i can stand to sit through the whole album, its good. That or go for a walk with my headphones + the album

#58683 by Cognitive_Dissonance
Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:30 pm
AE is not straightforward entirely by any means, yeh the sound is right there to grab at the first listen, but the true magic of AE is the how subtle it can move, the atmospherics and all are there, just much harder to hear in the first MANY listens :D Every single riff, every solo fits perfectly into each song, which flows beautifully as a whole. Those that don't appreciate it as much, give it time, this album grows slower and more beautifully than other Devy albums, I think in this respect Devin reached a new level on AE, not in actual quality of music just knowing how to really use these subtletys to expand the music to a new level. Guitarists out there learn some of the songs, you'll see the beauty in devs style on this album.

I love random analysis, in fact I wont comment on which songs I love, as its the whole disc thats helped me grow and mature (as with every album since OM)

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