This is the argument that I wanted to pick up from the day I had in my hands "AE Spacial Ed" (months ago).
There is a reason, somewhere, when somebody wants to discuss something that the others have already said... even just because it would make you happy!
From the moment that I knew about the release of the latest Dev's works, I promissed to myself to have them even being oblight to cut my right hand (I use very often the left one... and for the other things, too!).
I was listening to "AE" zapping tracks as I do with all new music, and having a beer. At the end, I shook my head, perplessed.
Two days later I listened it with more attention (without beer)... and done the same thing! Why?
It's BODYLESS! Reasons:
1. The mixes\samples are too close - and pretty marked - to Terria and Physi-City. That seems to me a kind of recycling. Somebody told that every single work of Dev is making part of The Project, so using some bits from here and there is not a sin... BUT not in this case!
2. Drums are minimal and (too much?) distiguished!
3. The melodies are repetitive, even the acoustic tracks (those were being played worse than ever).
4. (The Conclusive one). There is a few of Devy Metal Spirit. Devin has lost something while making it. Maybe that was a price to pay for his geniality (Tracy?... Geoff? What can you say?). Maybe something else...