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Bush/Cheney or Kerry/Edwards ???


#53639 by Blazingmonga
Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:07 pm will I!!!

#53640 by EphelDuath666
Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:08 pm
you see, the reason why I didn´t mention bras was because I hoped you wouldn´t wear any...damn it!!!! Another plan destroyed!!!!

#53642 by Blazingmonga
Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:09 pm
Dont worry dude, you can see me without my bra most of the time.

#53643 by BlueRaja
Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:11 pm
Yeah, but if the girls didn't wear bras then the guys wouldn't think what's under them was so special anymore. Kind of like what girls already think about them.

#53645 by EphelDuath666
Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:12 pm
oh I have a quite good imagination so just leave the bras at home :D

#53647 by Guest
Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:15 pm
I think we wasted G W Bush dedication thread
"happy birthday Mr president" :)

#53656 by simen_88
Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:19 pm
If bush isn't catholic, why did he refuse to send UN-packages to Africa, argumenting that they contained condoms?

And btw, I read that several american generals have claimed to have seen God. According to them, he said that muslim (sp?) soldiers are not humans, but devils, and it is God's will that they are killed :shock:.

#53688 by Archetype
Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:31 pm
Bush IS Catholic, that's one of the problems. I don't want to hurt any Catholics on this board, but I think Catholism (actually, most religions) is very oldfashioned and superstitious.

You're saying generals said they'd seen God? ... WTF man? This whole thing is beginning to sound like a Spiderman comic. Muslim soldiers are not human?

#53692 by Coma Divine
Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:53 pm
Sorry for arriving late in what is obviously an incandescent topic (legacy of a huge time difference and a 10 hour workday :roll: ) but...

Fuck fuck fuckity FUCK!!

I am somewhat fucked off by this (surprise) and extraordinarily disappointed in humanity yet again. It happened here last month, and it will happen in Britain next General Election - no matter if Blair walks down Oxford St. in the nude shooting passersyby with a grenade launcher.

Fact is, people are afraid. Afraid to change. Frightened into compliance by this continual "look! behind you!" campaign that exists throughout the so-called First World these days. Lie upon lie told by these people, and time and again "we" put our faith and our trust in them to deliver us a better life, and a better world.

Bollocks. Huge monkey nuts.

Here is where it starts to go badly for all of us. I'm not a fan of Republican or Democrat, and I'm not worried who here is. I believe that politicians are ill-equipped to deal sufficiently with their own Foreign Affair Frankensteins, and we - The People - are ill-equipped to know the difference.
BlueRaja wrote:I have to add that there are a lot of lazy people (and please don't think I mean you guys) that simply don't want to know about politics. There are plenty of them here in the office I work that just don't care, so you can just imagine how many of them there are in the general population. And I seriously doubt this is a problem only confined to America. The information is out there, you just have to bother looking for it, and caring to look for it. If you want to be blissfully ignorant (like the 2 receptionists I'm forced to listen to all day long...chatty...don't get me started), then it's easy to say you don't know enough about the issues cuz you were busy watching The Bachelor or Sex & The City reruns. Because really, it's not prime time TV's job to feed the information to you. They're not going to make their money that way. There are books and magazines to read, cable shows, AM radio, the's all out there, you just have to want to know.
Got it in one, Steph.

This is the media's cerebral anaesthetic to dull the senses of the masses. They stand to lose more than most industrial conglomerates if a "hostile" candidate enters the arena, so their job is either to discredit him/her or force him/her to play their game, possibly subsuming that person's own principles in the process.

The FBI is rubbing it's hands together gleefully right now, as their "enhanced" powers of search and detainment will become reality soon enough...while the CIA is taking a more taciturn stance. No doubt their role will become expanded overseas in the next few years, but they still bear somewhat of a grudge over their perceived "selling out" over the WMD intelligence, no matter their continual ties to Bush Snr.

"May you live in interesting times". Indeed. Dude who first wrote that...(sigh) if only he could see us now.

A few random words to remember for the near future:

Georgia (no, not the US state)

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

Respect to all. Look after yourselves out there.

#53710 by Regal Jenkinson
Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:03 am
Nope, the liberal democrats are going to win next time... I'm going to fucking rally!

#53712 by Guest
Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:46 am
Archetype wrote:Bush IS Catholic, that's one of the problems

No this is not right, because you probably have catholic people that voted for Kerry too ...

Bush used religion to become a "born again christian" after his problems with alcohol. In france for example you will never see any politics use religion for a campaign. I'm not a partisan of Chirac but he would be blamed by medias and masses if he tries to brainwash catholic people to get more votes.

WTF with medias in the USA ? Every campaign is introduced as a show, that's almost TV reality, also it is the same with war, if war sells papers in the USA why don't peace ? Everytime I have seen something related to conflicts in Iraq the program was disguised to make you feel proud about the freedom feeling that should surround everyone of us. Somewhere Bush used this. He used Terrorism, he used relgion to reign again

Unbelievable that so much people found an once of credibility in his theories about his "made in USA" protectionism.


#53713 by Regal Jenkinson
Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:50 am
Yep, he was "born again" just after his 40th birthday and then apparently did Bible boot camp, although when questioned he's shown that he didn't learn all that much.

#53714 by Guest
Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:54 am
He learnt to use this as a powerful weapon to get more votes

#53715 by Regal Jenkinson
Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:59 am
It is shocking that that was what won it for him. Religion wouldn't be an issue here either.

But this is what I was saying earlier. Most of the things that is said to be "morally right" is what I strongly disagree with. Such as: Ban on same sex marriages and being pro-life.

#53716 by Devinaddicted_Nils
Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:07 am
geoff wrote:He learnt to use this as a powerful weapon to get more votes's not him who learnt it. He got his lackeys who tell him what to do. He's way too stupid to grasp it by himself.

At least it isn't GWB who makes decisions...he's just the poor boy who can be blamed for it.

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