uh, the Democrats in America are WAY different than the liberals we have here in Holland. With the liberals you mean VVD, which is a right-wing party, but the democrats are more centre-right. So you can probably compare the Democrats to a combination of CDA & PVDA. Since they are both crappy parties, I must agree with you that I also think Kerry is not the option. BUT the same thought has been going through my mind ever since Bush squatted the White-House in 2000; "Anything But Bush!".
The politics in Holland and America can't be compared; one of the most important reasons is that America has a two-party system (they have more parties, but unfortunately they are not heard enough), and we have about 20. I know you can argue which is a better system, but that's another topic.
The politics in Holland and America can't be compared; one of the most important reasons is that America has a two-party system (they have more parties, but unfortunately they are not heard enough), and we have about 20. I know you can argue which is a better system, but that's another topic.