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Bush/Cheney or Kerry/Edwards ???


#51456 by Devinaddicted_Nils
Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:50 am
Regal Jenkinson wrote:
To be fair, why should he? Isn't that what democracy is about?

Wise words regarding democracy. I just wanted to know what reasons could be responsible to create a bush-voter.

Also, Germany is hardly a "left wing" country!

In Germany any party is doesn't matter what you chose, it's gonna be wrong...sad but least it depends on ones own choice...

#51458 by FinnAtLondon
Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:56 am
Devinaddicted_Nils wrote:
Regal Jenkinson wrote:
To be fair, why should he? Isn't that what democracy is about?

Wise words regarding democracy. I just wanted to know what reasons could be responsible to create a bush-voter.

I reckon they believe that he's defending the country and making it safer. I am not kidding. Some people also do really support religion based politics.

#51459 by Regal Jenkinson
Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:08 am
What amazes me about the Republican party and "God" (or any rightwing party that claims to be religious) is that what they stand for and their policies are to be devoutly evil.

The whole selfish capatalism of the Thatcher/Reagan years was just horrible.

I feel I'm getting more and more left wing as I get older.

#51460 by boogie
Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:14 am
Regal Jenkinson wrote:What amazes me about the Republican party and "God" (or any rightwing party that claims to be religious) is that what they stand for and their policies are to be devoutly evil. I really love this!

Anyway, I hope Kerry will win. He might be crap too, but man, I don't believe he can/will screw up as horribly as W.

And to Nils - yeah, they're all crap, our parties. But you get different sorts of crap. And I much prefer the social democratic crap to the conservative crap. Because I am at the mercy of our social welfare system at the moment, what with being ill for a long time now, and the conservatives are so hellbent on further dismantling our current social welfare system, it gives me the scare.


#51462 by FinnAtLondon
Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:29 am
Regal Jenkinson wrote:What amazes me about the Republican party and "God" (or any rightwing party that claims to be religious) is that what they stand for and their policies are to be devoutly evil.

The whole selfish capatalism of the Thatcher/Reagan years was just horrible.

I feel I'm getting more and more left wing as I get older.

-Using clergy to enforce political agendy is always bit fucked up

-Thacher is hated but UK would be a developing country without economic liberation :twisted: Ok, train system sucks, bad idea.

-If you're not leftist when you're young, you're heartless. If you're socialist when you're old, you are a moron.

-When it goes to Bush, dont talk about right or left. Bush doesn't probably tell them apart himself.

#51463 by Regal Jenkinson
Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:43 am
FinnAtLondon wrote:-Thacher is hated but UK would be a developing country without economic liberation :twisted: Ok, train system sucks, bad idea.

I don't think that's strictly true. She ruined loads of towns in the UK, many of which are still unemployed.

Also, Britain was a horrible place in the 80s and early 90s. Definately a different place to what it is now, after "Cool Britania". That would never have happened during the conservative government.

#51464 by FinnAtLondon
Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:47 am
It also has to do with worldwide change in industrialism, small towns with one factory employing loads of human labour have died everywhere in Europe. I am kinda liberal, not conservative, so I am not the biggest Thatcher fan. I would vote for some one who supports getting rid of counsil taxes and chavs.

#51465 by Regal Jenkinson
Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:14 am
haha! Me too.

But then again, council tax prevents private companies picking up your rubbish, or the maffia picking up your rubbish as the case is in Chicago.

#51467 by Mulzi
Wed Oct 20, 2004 5:09 am

enough said.. though Kerry is clearly the lesser evil.

#51469 by ianlogan123
Wed Oct 20, 2004 5:35 am
Looks like George Dubya has a finger gun, just in case things get hairy.

#51473 by EphelDuath666
Wed Oct 20, 2004 5:47 am
My choice would be Kerry but I made my point quite often here already I think. 2 votes for Bush already? Wow. But it´s not really surprising that Kerry and Edwards lead with 15 votes in this forum so far IMO. And I think those that voted for Bush probably won´t say why. I haven´t heard anyone in this forum say anything really positive about Bush´s policies so far except one guy who was quite insulting and probably got banned I guess those who voted for Bush just won´t make their point anways, which is their good right of course.

#51476 by FinnAtLondon
Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:12 am
Regal Jenkinson wrote:But then again, council tax prevents private companies picking up your rubbish, or the maffia picking up your rubbish as the case is in Chicago.

I payed 80 quid a month for public sector not to pick up my rubbish. Yeehaa!

By the way, how hard is it for Americans to see if some one is clearly a moron? I don't get it... Well they got FOX News for pro-Bush propaganda but that can not explain it all :?

#51486 by Regal Jenkinson
Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:50 am
There's a major right wing bias in their media.

Read Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken.

#51490 by Coma Divine
Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:53 am
Well, it is certain that we are all aware of GWB's adventures and quirky fun-loving "Divine Right" way of bending the entire world into shape.

Kerry has expressed a willingness to use nuclear weapons to counteract any "clear and present danger" his administration would identify.

Definitely Kerry.

We need a good old-fashioned Old Testament-style "cleansing", dangit!! :twisted:

Billy Connolly wrote:The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever becoming one.

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