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Tori fan:)

#48229 by NotSoSilentPete
Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:37 pm
Wow!! Seems there are a lot of metal fans in touch with their feminine side:):) Anyway, I'm a big Tori fan too so let's discuss her, and see who here likes her music. Like, what's your fav songs, albums? Mine is Boys for Pele for the album, for the song, there are too many to tell. :shock:
#48235 by gurp13
Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:40 pm
I love Tori Amos. BFP is also my favorite album. I'm tempted to say her latest couple of albums are not as strong as earlier efforts, but then, I think it's more my taste in music these days. I've been looking for something more aggressive and harder. If anything has changed with Tori it's that she's become, I think, less aggressive. Once upon a time, her music had a lot of aggression, even for a chick with a piano. :wink: And not in any kind of contrived way. She was genuinely pissed and yet, really sweet at the same time. Now, all of that being said, I really have enjoyed Scarlet's Walk and now that I've listened to it a couple of times, Strange Little Girls is pretty interesting. Her cover of Slayer's Raining Blood will send chills.

#48238 by Guest
Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:09 pm
Tori Amos is my favourite artist with Dev. My favourite record is from the choirgirl hotel but my favourite song is on the BFP record.
"From the choirgirl hotel" is in my top 10, I love the music of course, the lyrics are very dark and personal and the CD artwork is so enigmatic, I really love it. Some songs like "playboy mommy" or "Jackie's strenght" are to cry. I also love the "Spark" EP with the "bachelorette" song ...

Everything from this era is great. She found insipration in her unhappiness and turmoils (she lost a baby at this time, she sings it in "spark")

Tori is incredible, for me. More commercial now since the "strange little girl" record but it's still very good


#48240 by Milko
Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:27 am
She must be one of the greatest female singers of all time, among Janis Joplin, Ella Fitzgerald and few others. I'm sure that every metalhead has a hidden, feminine side and that's why they like Tori's music. Pretty far-fetched theory, but maybe there's little truth in it. And to me, Norther (strapping young) Lad :lol: is a really emotional song, every time i hear it makes me cry.

#48246 by NotSoSilentPete
Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:58 am
Northern Lad IS amazing.

#48257 by Tren
Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:33 am
Tori rules!!!

#48261 by EphelDuath666
Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:52 am
I love Tori Amos. At the moment Gold Dust from Scarlet´s Walk is my favorite Tori song. That one is really touching me.

#48289 by Tim
Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:50 am
I like what I've heard, and have been meaning to check out some more. Suggestions?

#48290 by simen_88
Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:08 am
As a guy I know said: "I love Tori. We renamed her Torn Anus due to her vast vocal range."
I can only say that I agree.

#48305 by mistress2metal
Tue Sep 28, 2004 11:50 am
I'm so suprised to see so many people that are into her music.
Personally, I can't stand it. But good for you guys for being so diverse!

#48328 by NotSoSilentPete
Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:24 pm
Tim wrote:I like what I've heard, and have been meaning to check out some more. Suggestions?

Well, her debut Little earthquake is pretty good, but, imo, Under the Pink and Boys for Pele are much better. Her latest, Scarlet's walk, while much poppier is pretty good.

#48374 by Chops 666
Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:00 am
Pele is my favourite. I wish I had the opportunity to see her perform with her band. I've seen her 3 times and every one was Tori solo with her Bossendorfer (sp) and her Harpsichord. The only chance I ever had was when she toured with Alanis Morrisette. Needless to say, I could not bring myself to sit through an Alanis set or to even share the same ampitheatre with a bunch of Alanis fans.
On a side note, has anyone else ever met her and noticed how incredibly short she is? Maybe there is more to this faerie theme than she lets on...

#48460 by Apophis
Wed Sep 29, 2004 11:47 am
Chops 666 wrote:Pele is my favourite

The footballer? :?

#48498 by A Gruesome Discovery
Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:41 pm
I only like Choirgirl Hotel (i really, really like it), but true Tori fans tell me that album sucks and I'm a poser, so I voted no. Because really, what do I know?

#48503 by Guest
Wed Sep 29, 2004 11:00 pm
From the choirgilr hotel sucks ????? :evil:

I'm a very big Tori Fan and this one is Fabulous !!!


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