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Do you give a damn about "noisecore" bands?


#39934 by THE_NEW_PLAGUE
Tue Jul 27, 2004 4:25 pm
Meshuggah owns. DEP is pretty damn cool imo, i like em.

#40212 by dub
Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:24 am
Relapse are pretty fucking nifty.

I wouldn't even term DEP noisecore... hmm I can't really think of any hardcore bands that use any truly 'noise' elements.... when you have rhythm or melody in any way, its hard to attach the term 'noise'.

I'm sure many bands have been influenced by noise though.

wait, I thought of a band, Zeni Geva, KK Null is a noise musician and he brings a lot of his weird guitar shit into the band. I suppose TITD and unsane would also then be considered 'noisecore'.

In which case count me in.

I'll give my verdict on the new DEP shortly. I've always liked them and Converge and a few of they older bands of that style (deadguy, canvas, drowningman), but yeah, there is a lot of copycat bands around now.

#40278 by Chops 666
Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:06 am
Yes, new Dillinger Escape plan cd is the best release of the year so far imo. That is just my opinion though,

I have to agree with you there. Miss Machine has been blowing my mind for a while now.

Then again, there is still new Mastadon, The Haunted, Lamb of God and Vader albums coming out so my opinion may change...

#40379 by Greg Reason
Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:07 pm
Yeah, Miss machine is rockin. I love the new Neurosis release too, The Eye of Every Storm. And, of course, I rules....

#40381 by Drumdude13
Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:11 pm
Meshuggah rule and I don't think they are 'Noisecore'...

I'd say Meshuggah are what most people call Math-Metal.....that's what I call it, I recall Devin calling it that too.....

#40388 by dub
Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:28 pm
I find the term math-metal fucking stupid.... 'technical' sounds a little more respectable. A lot of stupid labels aren't actually genre descriptive and are just marketing buzzwords to try and attract attention, or lump a load of bands together into a "movement" that doesn't exist.

The new High on Fire is going to kill, especially if those rumours about Joe Preston being on bass are true.

Willowtip had two of the best releases this year, Arsis and Capharnaum... (those albums were both this year right?... I can never remember this kind of stuff.) I'm pretty sure that Watchmaker album wasn't though, I really liked that... I'm going way offtopic though.

#40430 by BrunoN
Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:30 am
dub wrote:I find the term math-metal fucking stupid.... 'technical' sounds a little more respectable. A lot of stupid labels aren't actually genre descriptive and are just marketing buzzwords to try and attract attention, or lump a load of bands together into a "movement" that doesn't exist.

Dunno. I associate the term "technical metal" with bands like Spastic Ink, Spiral Architect or similiar - they are extremely precise and complex in every possible part of their music.

Meshuggah is concentrated mainly on insane rhythm patterns and making their own trademark weird grooves - their melodies and solos aren't that complex as the bands above (altough pretty fucked up). Hence I think the term "math metal" isn't especially confusing and do justice for them.

#40481 by Apophis
Fri Jul 30, 2004 5:53 am
i meant this as a really brief snapshot thread and it's turned into a bloody appreciation thread for the kind of bands I was talking about :roll:

time for seppuku

#40494 by BrunoN
Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:18 am
Apophis wrote:ack.
i meant this as a really brief snapshot thread and it's turned into a bloody appreciation thread for the kind of bands I was talking about :roll:

time for seppuku

It's the positive energy of the HDRforums , it turns hatred into the love, brotha :smokeweed:

#40496 by Apophis
Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:22 am
like a non-corrupt hippy commune?

if such an idyll exists.

#40621 by Mordecai
Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:38 am
Isnt stuff like 'Extreme Noise Terror', 'Anal Cake' and 'Fuck...I'm Dead' noise-core?

...>slightly confused<

Meshuggah rule anyway, they so dont deserve that title... way more than just noise, even though music is just arranged noise... anyway you know what i mean! I havent heard the new Dillenger.. but ill check it out, i very much enjoy their cover of 'My Michelle' by Guns N' Roses.

May the force be with you.

#40639 by MullHawk
Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:53 am
Anal Cu-nt are the kings of noise.

#40643 by Apophis
Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:56 am
Extreme Noise Terror are death-grind :P

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