This is my request, wish me the best
#324490 by NamasteLikeBender
Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:51 am
goncalobcunha wrote:It looks like I am being ripped off by PledgeMusic! Still no word from them and still no box!
Is there a fast way to let Devin know about this shit?

He's pretty dilligent to replying on Twitter.
#324491 by goncalobcunha
Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:33 am
Thanks, Namaste! I don't have a twitter account but probably will have to create one.

Coincidently (or not!) they have finally replied to me, after I have posted my previous message. Let's see what happens. Not happy. At all!
#324501 by goncalobcunha
Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:59 pm
Have been informed by PledgeMusic that the box was sent back to the UK for a second time!!!!!! Unbelievable!!!!!! :shock:
What on earth do they put as an address is beyond me.
Since early April my box is going back and forth between the UK and Portugal. Just hope it will arrive day. :|
#324502 by goncalobcunha
Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:40 pm
OK...finally my box arrived today. Since I'm a very lucky guy, first thing that I noticed is that the sunglasses are missing! :(

Second, my Digipak was sealed but didn't include any booklet with credits, recording locations, etc...can the owners of the box confirm that there was no booklet??

I'm pretty pissed off with this shit. Right now I feel that I have paid a small fortune and half of the things are somewhat missing. :\
#324504 by swervedriver
Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:46 am
Wow dude, that sucks. I hope Pledgemusic sort it out soon!

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