Out of the people who have heard the final mix with Anneke on vocals for Fallout, how different is it? Because the version with Dev singing the verses sounds so huge, it'll be a shame if the album mix doesn't sound as good.
I will admit, I would love to hear a better mix of the Dev verse version, just because, well, Dev. The Anneke version is awesome, though. It definitely works better.
ppinkham wrote:I will admit, I would love to hear a better mix of the Dev verse version, just because, well, Dev. The Anneke version is awesome, though. It definitely works better.
I really like Dev's vocals on it, because I've always loved his big sounding revised Kingdom voice, and there aren't as many opportunities for it anymore. I'm sure, since it's one of the few songs from these double albums that I feel like would work sans Anneke to tour with, we'll hear it.
I'm sure the Anneke version's grand. I love her, and I'm not one of those fans who wants him to stop collaborating with her, but sometimes I just prefer Dev's voice on a song.
If the Dev version made it to the album, it would definitely have been his "biggest" vocal on the album, ala "Kingdom" on 'Epicloud.' I became a fan of Dev's because of his voice back when 'Sex & Religion' was released. God knows the songs sucked, but his voice carried that album. 'Epicloud' bummed me out a little because his voice was layered so much that it didn't standout and shine as much as on earlier albums, except for 'Kingdom.'
ppinkham wrote:If the Dev version made it to the album, it would definitely have been his "biggest" vocal on the album, ala "Kingdom" on 'Epicloud.' I became a fan of Dev's because of his voice back when 'Sex & Religion' was released. God knows the songs sucked, but his voice carried that album. 'Epicloud' bummed me out a little because his voice was layered so much that it didn't standout and shine as much as on earlier albums, except for 'Kingdom.'
Still My Bleeding Heart and Here & Now are pretty good songs that hold up despite being early 90's refuse from the 80's.
But besides that, I'm basically with you on that buddy. Some songs didn't require it, like More, but I think it's overall hindered the staying power of the tracks from Epicloud for me.
Like, I enjoy that album fine, but I kinda need to be in the mood to listen to that album and I can basically listen to 2-3 tracks from it out of context which seems to be antithetical to a party album like that.
It's weird, because Dev states in interviews now that he doesn't like his voice, but he used to downplay his guitar skills and talk about being a good singer. I miss Dev's voice being more in the forefront - I think that's what brought a lot of us here tbh, but I also know things change, and he still makes strong tunes. So I generally roll with it.
So here'sa shitty rushed desktop wallpaper I threw together for my own use in about a minute's time. (well, technically longer since the fire alarm went off in the middle of the making) Just thought I'd share if anyone else would want to use it. I have a thing for space wallpapers...
Also, I second just about everything Octillus said in his last two posts.
Also, I second just about everything Octillus said in his last two posts.

Peas and love.
If Dev does decide to give singing a break, I would echo the other comments and say I'd be quite saddened. I do really love his voice. But does anyone think perhaps he's just a bit tired with the loud/full singing sort of required for metal? That seems to be the vibe I'm getting from his comments on twitter and recent interviews. He wants to just build birdhouses and play bass. Maybe take the subtle route for awhile. I think he could really do some great work in softer volume, like on Casualties. Ever since I listened to Believe, I've imagined what it would be like if he did some sort of folksy music. Maybe that sounds god-awful to some other people, but I really think he'd be good at it.
I think of quite a few different songs when I imagine what it would sound like. As an idea, I think of: Believe and Little Pig from Epiclouder. Most of Casualties, but especially Aquarius and Moonshine, Saloon from Unplugged (starting at 1:35 especially), and Humble from Terria. Am I insane? Of course it would be totally different from anything else, but imagine, a Devin album similar to Bon Iver or hell, even Fleet Foxes. Am I insane? If I am please just ignore me and my weird-ass fantasies.
I think of quite a few different songs when I imagine what it would sound like. As an idea, I think of: Believe and Little Pig from Epiclouder. Most of Casualties, but especially Aquarius and Moonshine, Saloon from Unplugged (starting at 1:35 especially), and Humble from Terria. Am I insane? Of course it would be totally different from anything else, but imagine, a Devin album similar to Bon Iver or hell, even Fleet Foxes. Am I insane? If I am please just ignore me and my weird-ass fantasies.

^^^^ Place to buy t-shirts and other stuff featuring my artwork.
^^^^ Place to buy t-shirts and other stuff featuring my artwork.
At first listen I thought the same that Sky Blue was just left over songs from Epic but after a couple of listens on headphones I am really liking the mix. Dark Maters on the other hand grabbed me immediately! Wow what a vibe! That sound reminds me of the analog sounds from the 70's but only more modern. I can't begin to describe the feeling it gives me, like something out of my dreams. I felt like I was listening to some kind of music from the future with superb clarity and mixed with advanced technology well done Devin!!!!
This is his best work in years. Perhaps ever.
This is his best work in years. Perhaps ever.
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JJZcArD9fwA&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JJZcArD9fwA&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" ></embed></object>[/youtube]
Anybody in the know when the Z2 bundles from OMerch will ship in NA? I only ask because I am clearly not an impatient person...
Warrior was just played on the radio. Anneke was sublime (as expected) and the song as a whole I found both somber and uplifting; pretty much what I've expected of Sky Blue. I will be quite happy when it is in my hands.
^ I'm actually quite envious of a country that plays such music on the radio at all. It would probably be the end times if it was played here.
^^^^ Place to buy t-shirts and other stuff featuring my artwork.
^^^^ Place to buy t-shirts and other stuff featuring my artwork.
I'd just like to add that the guitar tones and the drums are amazing on these albums.
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