This is my request, wish me the best
#320132 by ribbons69
Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:21 am
Hello everyone, I appreciate that the various pledge items are manufactured in different places,but two weeks after the cds went out I am still awaiting my double vinyl, should I be concerned or will it arrive in due course?
#320136 by Hiddos
Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:09 am
The only thing I'm worried about is whether my USB stick is going to be here before I move to England...
But then again, I only got it for its contents, so then I suppose I could get my dad to send them to me. :)
#320137 by Tyroshai
Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:17 am
I got an email a couple of days ago saying my t-shirt had shipped, so fingers crossed that all other items follow suit.
#320138 by ribbons69
Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:25 am
As long as it hasn't been lost in the post I don't mind waiting, my tickets for the Rock City gig were despatched three months ago and never arrived, I have spoken to the venue and have to ring them on the morning of the gig to arrange a collection!
#320139 by Tyroshai
Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:54 am
ribbons69 wrote:As long as it hasn't been lost in the post I don't mind waiting, my tickets for the Rock City gig were despatched three months ago and never arrived, I have spoken to the venue and have to ring them on the morning of the gig to arrange a collection!

Was that with SeeTickets by any chance?
Also the email I got was from pledgemusic on behalf of CoC so I would have thought you'd also get one once your stuff has been despatched. Panic not (yet!)
#320141 by Hiddos
Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:41 pm
Tyroshai wrote:Also the email I got was from pledgemusic on behalf of CoC so I would have thought you'd also get one once your stuff has been despatched. Panic not (yet!)

We'll wait and see, I suppose. i haven't had any email yet myself, but maybe they haven't even made the USB sticks yet?
#320159 by NamasteLikeBender
Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:40 pm
I got the t-shirt in the mail today and that was a nice surprise. As long as I get the USB by the end of July (when it was guaranteed and when I move out of my apartment), I'm good.
#320166 by catharsis
Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:05 am
my first reaction when I got the CD - wow that came really fast. 2nd reaction - where's my damn USB stick? hopefully it'll come soon but I don't mind waiting
#320782 by NamasteLikeBender
Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:29 am
I just got the USB thing.

Spoiler: show
It looks like a bone. A well-designed bone, at that. It does not bare the Casualties logo.
Disk 1 and Disk 2 commentary
Thing (Pledge Exclusive demo track)
Forgive Me (alternate sequence)
Gone Is Gone (alternate sequence)
Cold Feet (exclusive demo track)
Bones (alternate sequence)
Broken (alternate sequence)
Four pictures from the Casualties photoshoot
Thankfully, all audio tracks are in .WAV instead of shit ass MP3 :P

"Cold Feet" is a bit of a standard blues rock track. Thing, however, has a lot going on. This is like what Deconstruction would sound if it was done within the Casualties framework.

[spoiler]It also includes the following SPOILER explaining the alternative sequence tracks:
As Devin explains on the commentary; the original sequence of the main Casualties album was to include 'GONE IS GONE' before Broken, but couldn

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