Post HevyDevy fan art, covers, mashups, guitar tabs, etc here
#318645 by B0ydman
Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:03 am
I am here.
Devin is the ****

It is happening.
A few thousand very happy people
#318679 by B0ydman
Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:00 am
1500 ppl I believe, and an artist who truly loves to perform and entertain.

What a terrific evening.

I have had to dash o/s for a few days, this weekend I'ol upload a few blurry photos and some video with terrible sound quality.

I'm sure others will post more, but I had a good overhead position with some good view of the drum master at work.

Brought a friend who had never heard of DT before.

Suffice to say, he is now addicted.

In his words, he has never experienced music that has reached inside of him like that before.

As 40yr old Boofheads who have traveled and seen a lot of live acts, DT conquers all before him.

DT only needs to have 4 drum sets alongside his drum maestro, operating one eighth of a note behind the main, and he will open a whole new genre.

Do that for the highlight of Pixillate, and he rules all.

4 guys, banging giant korean drums. Boom

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