Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#308773 by elscardo
Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:17 am
Anyone get any pictures of the merch booth?

I'm going to the Toronto show and kinda want to know how much money I need to bring hahaha.
#308801 by Luna_ad_Noctum
Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:51 pm
elscardo wrote:Anyone get any pictures of the merch booth?

I'm going to the Toronto show and kinda want to know how much money I need to bring hahaha.

I don't have pictures, but they were selling lots of (all prices USD!) shirts at $20, Ziltoid hand puppets at $25(these sold out really quick!), lanyards for $3, and copies of Epicloud (normal - $15, Deluxe - $20).
#308888 by hunter_mc
Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:50 pm
litlgrnman wrote:

That's a nice big video screen they had there. At last night's show in Chicago it looked like they tied a bedsheet behind the drum riser.
#309671 by Nathan_lol
Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:57 pm
elscardo wrote:Anyone get any pictures of the merch booth?

I'm going to the Toronto show and kinda want to know how much money I need to bring hahaha.

Actually took one at the Phoenix show was texting my friend saying "HOLY FUCK ZILTOID PUPPET"

Fuck it, I also took this pic of Devin (only good one I have, I was trying to enjoy the show rather than take a punch of pics)

and then this goddamn happened Image
#311245 by Ferike
Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:17 am
9/8 El Rey Theater in Los Angeles California;




And the rest are at the link here if anyone is interested :D-

What sucks is, he looked at me A LOT, but my camera decided to malfunction each time (as it did in 2011 as well). There was actually a whole minute worth of him staring at me while he had a break in vocals, just playing his guitar, BUT, yeah, camera went- "nothanks" -.- I was lucky I got the 2 or 3 I did.
#314239 by Moon
Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:06 am
Am a rooky in the DT-aspect but god has this guy won me over in just a single gig (and a lot of fun googling afterwards :-) I was lucky to have a photo pass, as am a journalist/photographer. Made a fast compilation of the work of my man (full pro photographer) and me of the DTP show at Distortion festival, december 9th in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Hope you like it.

If the link doesn't work (anymore), simply go to

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