Matt08642 wrote:Another thing, I genuinely dislike when people act as if whatever Devin puts out is what they've "always been waiting for."
Sorry to disappoint you, but Epicloud IS what I've always waited for Dev to make. I love Accelerated Evolution, Addicted, etc, because I love what Dev does with that type of music. It's based in other music people make, but what I like is what Dev does it. I'm a fan of Dev, and I like what he does with music--if that makes me a "fanboy" so be it. Do I think it's perfect, or that Dev is? No. Not at all. For example, not a huge fan of Divine and kinda Angel. But the rest (i.e. Liberation, Save Our Now, Grace, More!, etc) are just the pure poppy metal I've always wanted from Dev. AE and Addicted got close but were still based more in that proggy metal realm at points. That doesn't mean I like Epicloud more, just that it's always something I've wanted to hear from him.
Now, take Ghost. I've always wanted to hear purely peaceful music from that side of Dev's musical output. Most of the other quieter stuff he has released gets heavy in parts and isn't "pure" in that sense; once again, I love it, but I'm interested in pure polarities. Ghost, though, got so close to that and is purely peaceful but some songs don't have enough Dev-vibe for it to be "that" record for me. That's why I'm really excited for CoC.
Dev is by no means perfect, and you're silly if you think so, but he's an imaginative and talented musician beyond hardly any others I can think of. I don't agree with saying "you're a dumb shit" if you don't like something, but I will discuss why I like it. And there's muh piece.
Matt08642 wrote:I think I would enjoy Devin's music a lot more if I had never found this forum.
Quite frankly, there's the door, dude.