The time has come to forget all the bullshit and ROCK!
#307735 by Fretburn
Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:03 pm
Found it, but at only 128kbs it still only serves to whet the appetite for when I get the actual album. I loved Addicted and most of Dev's more pop-metal tunes (Life, Slow Me Down, Traveller, Stagnant etc) so this is pretty much my dream album from him.
#307736 by Ultimetalhead
Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:04 pm
Telescopes Are Gay wrote:The epic, loud version of Kingdom makes the original sound like a bootlegged garage band cover. Sorry purists.

This is me right now:

God, I know. I can't even imagine listening to Physicist anymore knowing how awesome that song gets with less raspy vocals and better production.
#307743 by TerminX
Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:38 pm
God damn, Grace and Kingdom are absolutely fucking colossal. More's a ton of fun too, and True North. Lessons and Angels really gain a lot when you can hear the intricacies of them.

Hold On and Where We Belong are even better when they can be heard. Love it, love it all.

Except Lucky Animals.. Honestly, I'm not much a fan of that track. But beyond that, my first listen judgement: Pretty damn sweet.

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