DTP boxsets galore!
#296710 by DravenXX6
Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:24 pm
#227, Clear, InsideOut.

Also, I bought this from InsideOut....then about 3 weeks after I bought it, they claimed they lost the order/shipment, so they refunded me my money. 2 weeks after Christmas, it appears on my doorstep. Pretty fuggin' sweet, if you ask me!
#297379 by Vyre
Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:10 am
It finally arrived! Mine is #273, and it's Clear. Came from InsideOut.

Gotta say, the boxset is just fantastic. The book is spectacular! I even wanna get a bookshelf to display it on my living room :3
#297395 by JSan
Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:16 pm
#280, white, from CMDistro... :) ...mostly... Had it redirected to get it to England so not straight from them but they're who I bought it from. Haven't listened to the vinyl yet.. :/
#304124 by captainaxx
Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:25 pm
Hey guys, mine is #386, clear, and insideout.


just ziltoid laughing maniacally at owning an awesome boxset and possibly laughing at my balding head at the age of 17.

this is my first post too!

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