This guy's doing the artwork-
(yeah, he did Decon too!)
Lettuce wrote:This guy's doing the artwork-
(yeah, he did Decon too!)
Awesome. The slipcase for Decon is an eyegasm.
From Devin via Twitter:
Sounds pretty good! I am looking forward to this one a lot! I would preorder this now! Let the fapping begin!
Epicloud: Initially an 'in between' idea to bridge the 4 last albums and Z2...a way to satisfy my recent craving for melodic hard rock...
It became an epic experiment. way more intense and demanding than I expected. Experiments in all ways of making records. democracy, mix...
It's beautiful, melancholy, loud, and 'detached' in an experimental way...wanted to make something 'larger than life'...
Any way you slice it, it's beautiful... and even as an 'interm' idea, it stands unique among things I've done, and as something very special
Oh,'s freaking Epic!!
I'd say mixture of melodic parts of Ocean Machine, Rocking bits like Addicted, simplicity in parts like Accelerated, but more dynamic.
...And tried to mix it so you could crank it up.
Sounds pretty good! I am looking forward to this one a lot! I would preorder this now! Let the fapping begin!
Looping green and blue, and you will go letting yourself certainly the meal once again through the head. But after the departure, you feel free and happily like after your first orgasm - and you will beg for addition. - German review of SYL's "Alien"
sounds great indeed! I'm always up for some feel good music
gurp13 wrote:From Devin via Twitter:Epicloud: Initially an 'in between' idea to bridge the 4 last albums and Z2...a way to satisfy my recent craving for melodic hard rock...
It became an epic experiment. way more intense and demanding than I expected. Experiments in all ways of making records. democracy, mix...
It's beautiful, melancholy, loud, and 'detached' in an experimental way...wanted to make something 'larger than life'...
Any way you slice it, it's beautiful... and even as an 'interm' idea, it stands unique among things I've done, and as something very special
Oh,'s freaking Epic!!
I'd say mixture of melodic parts of Ocean Machine, Rocking bits like Addicted, simplicity in parts like Accelerated, but more dynamic.
...And tried to mix it so you could crank it up.
Sounds pretty good! I am looking forward to this one a lot! I would preorder this now! Let the fapping begin!
woah. that sounds fucking epic!
Liampie wrote:Sounds like my favourite album.
I agree, the more I hear the more it sounds like a mish-mash of all my favourite Devy-ness. Z2 can wait for this!
yea based on that description, it's hard to say which i'm more excited for: epicloud or Z2
it's not impossible for flowers to bloom and grow next to graves, and babies are born in the same buildings where people go to pass away
Devin tweeted:
The album is being delivered today! Congratulations, Dev! It's a bouncing baby pop-metal-melodic-meditative-progressive collection of tunes!
Last round with Epicloud before leaving on tour. It's beat my ass, but I have every intention of showing it the door today. Delivery weds!
2 weeks of 15 hour mix days while couch surfing has beat my ass, however Epicloud finally sounds as its supposed to... So there.
The album is being delivered today! Congratulations, Dev! It's a bouncing baby pop-metal-melodic-meditative-progressive collection of tunes!
Looping green and blue, and you will go letting yourself certainly the meal once again through the head. But after the departure, you feel free and happily like after your first orgasm - and you will beg for addition. - German review of SYL's "Alien"
gurp13 wrote:Devin tweeted:Last round with Epicloud before leaving on tour. It's beat my ass, but I have every intention of showing it the door today. Delivery weds!
2 weeks of 15 hour mix days while couch surfing has beat my ass, however Epicloud finally sounds as its supposed to... So there.
The album is being delivered today! Congratulations, Dev! It's a bouncing baby pop-metal-melodic-meditative-progressive collection of tunes!
This might be the wrong thread, and the question might have already been addressed elsewhere, so forgive me in advance: but is there any chance Ghost 2 is released simultaneously with Epicloud?
An informed guess on my part... No, there is no chance that Ghost 2 will be released simultaneously with Epicloud. While it's not an impossibility, I think it is extremely unlikely. My reasoning is that the record label seems to take marketing their albums very seriously and they appear to have a plan in mind. I am guessing they don't want to confuse people or dilute the sales of an album by releasing more than one at a time. Also, Devin hasn't mentioned it and I think he would have said something. Finally, I don't know that there is, in actuality, a "Ghost 2" album, as in a collection of mixed, mastered songs with artwork ready to go. I am under the impression that Dev just finished Epicloud and is off to play live shows for some time. I am assuming he doesn't have time to put together a second album at this time. It sounds like he will make Ziltoid 2 next.
But, I may be wrong and reserve the right to completely fuck off.
But, I may be wrong and reserve the right to completely fuck off.
Looping green and blue, and you will go letting yourself certainly the meal once again through the head. But after the departure, you feel free and happily like after your first orgasm - and you will beg for addition. - German review of SYL's "Alien"
I also seem to remember Devin saying that the release had become very difficult and he wasn't quite show how/when it would get officially released
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