Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#288009 by Tyroshai
Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:23 pm
Manwards wrote:Decon in general was half-filled with weirdos who didn't seem to know Devy or any of his songs! Worst crowd out of the four nights, for sure.

Yup. It brought all the twats crawling out of their little hovels. Ugh.
#288066 by Odysseas
Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:46 am
Hehe! How I envy you Brits! But you know, one can't have it all. I saw the Zilt show, when many couldn't make it there. So what I'm trying to say is I'm really happy for all of ya, and knowing that such good poeple as yourselves attended to Decon, it feels like I was there a bit with you. So, no jealous at all! :furious:
#288082 by Lettuce
Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:09 am
shredi knight wrote:Image

Not to nitpick, but that cheeseburger does not appear to be "a double" (just saying). :mrgreen:


No seriously, it wasn't until about halfway through making it I remembered. So....*ahem* BUT HIM AND PAUL GREENLIT THE DESIGNS SO IT'S REALLY THEIR ERROR.

Show was awesome, I was in a puddle of dread all the was through the show thinking "'s lower down than it was earlier...fuck...I'M GONNA GO TELL MIKE. OH GOD." and I was bloody furious with Shining putting a spotlight for their drummer RIGHT BENEATH THE BURGER SO THEY ILLUMINATED IT.

Really really happy with how it all turned out though! Dev wasn't expecting a five foot cheeseburger to be well....five feet! When I turned up on Thursday after it was delivered, he had a face of pure "OH DEAR GOD I'M SO SORRY", but to be honest all of our hard work was paid off the moment it was unveiled to the crowd! :D

Not sure of it's fate...there's been talks of different things, but I'll ask tomorrow!
#288287 by shredi knight
Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:16 pm
vaijuju wrote:Before this show how many deconstruction's songs did devin play?

I think just two - Stand & Juular.
#288622 by vaijuju
Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:30 pm
This show of deconstruction was amazing, one of my best concert in my life! Devin did a very great job, it was technical! loud! Dirk was fabelous! perhaps the best drummer that i've seen!
#288811 by Le Croix
Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:19 am
the show was great. never ever I've expected cheeseburger. When Ziltoid announced his candidacy for the presidency of the omniverse at the very beginning it was quite obvious this would be one crazy ride.and then the actual president-rally event at the end of The Mighty Masturbator with ziltoidian flags, balloons and with band wearing hats...I asked members of the band (Deconstruction band) at Ghost show how it was for them and they were very pleased.
Soooo, next bought already
#289944 by pandemic
Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:05 pm
Tyroshai wrote:
Manwards wrote:Decon in general was half-filled with weirdos who didn't seem to know Devy or any of his songs! Worst crowd out of the four nights, for sure.

Yup. It brought all the twats crawling out of their little hovels. Ugh.

oh shut it.
#289999 by Tyroshai
Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:38 am
pandemic wrote:
Tyroshai wrote:
Manwards wrote:Decon in general was half-filled with weirdos who didn't seem to know Devy or any of his songs! Worst crowd out of the four nights, for sure.

Yup. It brought all the twats crawling out of their little hovels. Ugh.

oh shut it.

You startin' merrrrt? I'll set Devvo on you. :wink:

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