To sum up yesterday in two very British words: "bloody brilliant".
The guitar clinic at Music Junkie earlier in the day was awe-inspiring. As tired as Devy obviously was, he gave us all a great time. He answered questions about Epicloud, told us some brilliant ideas for the Retinal Circus and beyond (the story about the dog in the lake had us in stitches), answered a guy's phone for him, and ended up playing "Hyperdrive" (the Ziltoid version) for us after someone made a request. It was my first time being so up close with Devy, and he was really relaxed and pleasant. Ended up getting my Terria and Synchestra covers signed, and the comic programme from last week. Plus, got a photo with him, which you should see just to the right. He seemed taken aback when I told him - jokingly, I think - that that was my sex face. Is it possible I weirded out Dev himself?!
As for the gig itself, we were in the third row, with a perfect view of the stage. Dave McPherson did a great job with the support. I didn't enjoy him much at the "Ki" gig last week, perhaps because I was just so excited to see Devy for the first time. Whatever the case, Dave did a good set, and I had some banter with him as the guy with "the clap". My friend rushed off and bought his CD as soon as he came off stage.
Devin himself put on a brilliant show. I can't recall the setlist fully, but some of the track choices were unexpected and utterly delightful. I bumped into Faffy, Octillus, Lettuce and other forum members whose names I didn't catch, and I'm sure between us we can get the setlist sorted out. (It was nice seeing you all again, by the way.)
EDIT: The setlist in the correct order! Credit to
Sunday Afternoon
Nobody's Here
Solar Winds
Love? (Strapping Young Lad)
Deep Peace
Untitled "Epicloud" Song (the one from this video:
The Epicloud song was absolutely lovely. I feel priveliged for having seen it live before it even has a title! (The title should be "Belong", if you ask me.) There were so many other highlights too - the intensity of "Disruptr" struck me in particular, and I loved Devy singing the "Life" solo in falsetto, and then abruptly ending the song with "How long will this life go on... about this long."