Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#285602 by swervedriver
Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:24 am
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at El Corazon in Seattle?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!

#285634 by azure
Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:41 am
Super excited for the show tonight and curious how the setlist will end up. I don't like the sound at El Corazon, but it's an small setting so the energy should be awesome. A friend's band played there a bit ago, just saw Agalloch there a few weeks ago and now DTP on the same stage. Feel pretty lucky.
#285763 by lateralus88
Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:59 am
Last night was easily the best show I've seen in a long time, if not the best show I've been to period. Wasn't terribly fond of the opening act The Ocean. In fact, no I didn't like them at all. Especially their bass player, who kept putting his balls in my face throughout their set, and he smelt like utter shit.

But now for Devy. The set was amazing, and so was the meet and greet. The man is one of the most humble and loving human beings I've ever met. He truly loves his fans, which I have so much respect for it almost hurts. Got to meet the man several times throughout the evening. Once while waiting outside the venue around 3:30 pm or so, during the meet and greet, and after the show as I got myself his setlist to have signed (pics below).

As for the show itself, I managed to get myself a spot RIGHT IN FRONT of Devy, against the stage (where I was crushed throughout the entire show. My upper legs hurt and my balls are in pain). I was not giving up that spot for anything. And one of the other coolest things was how I was able to get the man himself to wish my best friend a happy birthday on stage. I've been throwing that idea around for a month now, and asked during the meet and greet if he'd be willing, and he said yes but that I might need to remind him (I did).

List of things signed:
VIP poster
Poster tube (he drew me a cat)
My copy of Addicted
The setlist


#285769 by azure
Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:00 pm
Hey I got one, too, from Dave but missed getting his signature as well. I was behind you for a bit, but have an injured foot and couldn't compete for my spot for very long (could barely walk at the end of the show but worth it!). That birthday bit was awesome.

It was an amazing performance as usual. My favorite part, though, was afterwards when Dev was going down the stage front shaking peoples hands an older guy (who reminded me of a Vietnam Vet in appearance) got to tell Devin how much his music helped him deal with stuff in his life while Dev took the chance to listen and talk a short bit. No other artists I've seen gives such sincere interaction with fans and it was a really cool moment.

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