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#281028 by GSM
Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:05 am

I love the song 'The Fluke' from Terria, and about the 3.20 mark there's an AWESOME section where Devy has multiple vocal tracks dubbed over the top of one another, and it sounds awesome.

I've been trying to sing along for years, but can't decipher the actual lyrics of the various tracks, so I fail at singing along, and would love to know the actual lyrics.

I asked Devy himself on Formspring, to which he replied that he 'didn't remember' :O :O :O.

Anybody else been able to work this out?
#281032 by swervedriver
Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:31 am

....writing and eating and shitting and sleeping in rain or in shine masturbate till i'm blind in the cause and effect of the one troubled segment of time and the place and the look on your face and I write and I eat and I shit and I sleep yes I eat leafy greens nearly three times a week and I'm not unafraid but no longer afraid of you anymore....
#281396 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:32 pm
I'll admit, I never really listened all that closely to that part of the song before, as I'm usually just so relaxed that I let it flow over me. Now that I listen deliberately and hear those lyrics, I find it quite funny, but still nice as ever.
#324871 by detoxdetox
Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:12 am
HELP! Who knows the LYRICS of chorus after 4 min. 30 sec. It sounds like:
I am freak, self, freak, self

Am I right???

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