DTP boxsets galore!
#278532 by Slingshotjr
Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:02 pm
so i figure these shows will probably have the most forum goers of any show he has ever done...whatta ya say we do a little meet up? and idk, where stupid t-shirts to the shows or bring some spatulas or (for those of us travelling to london) do some sight seeing? anybody?
#278541 by debs
Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:57 pm
Well when i get there friday I flopping in the hotel til the show so I prob see everone outside i'm hopping to have a Ziltoid shirt by then with the coffe startbuck logo lon if not a Korn shirt, heh I prob see everyone thursday since I'll be looking around the musems I think. I dont need to site see much since i've been to londond before I prob be leaving sunday or monday depends :mrgreen:
#278553 by Lettuce
Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:24 am
I'll be busy dragging buddies around places of educational interest, but if you see this snappy dressed lady about-


Say hi, tell her who you are. She'll either stare at you blankly, or hug you and pinch your cheeks. Depends what mood she's in.
#278575 by debs
Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:21 am
I know there a water stones around there everyone could meet at or we can find a starbucks and are something :D then dissuses why Ziltoid din't like Earth coffee.
#278577 by Slingshotjr
Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:24 am
ya i was just thinking that we are probably all there for all 4 shows, so during the days we gotta fill some time
#278579 by debs
Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:28 am
i'll prob sleep durring to 10 in the morning but i'm only there for addicted and decon then going home monday morning, but there things to do durring the day there a musuem near by i'm looking at
#278583 by Lettuce
Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:46 am
There's tonnes of things to do in and around. The British Museum's down the road in Tottenham Court road, and there is of course this-

http://www.timeout.com/london/feature/1 ... -in-london

But yeah, I'd probably just see you lot at the gig. I've already been planning shit with a bunch of boardies as well as plotting the kidnap of Mike St Jean.
Oh yeah, and don't take a spatula.
#278592 by The Lodge
Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:17 am
I'll be up for meeting you guys on saturday or sunday. Any uni people? I'm starting Imperial this year.

I don't post often but I'll just pretend I'm incredibly "down" with you guys for the day. At the very least, it will ease awkwardness in the queue if I know who you guys are!

I'll post a pic of myself to show you what I look like so you don't make any mistakes...
#278593 by debs
Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:35 am
I used to be at uni but i done now, i get a pic up zoon my ziltoid one on a3 heh got to stop drawing so large when i dont have a3 scanner I love to meet follow fans in the que heh XD i talk fast though

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