Get down there and... well, you know the rest
#262723 by bassbait
Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:37 pm

This is an OLD website (they had only released up to City when this site was last updated). It's got some pretty interesting stuff, my favorite of which being an SYL theme for your computer. The background of your desktop becomes CITY's album cover, the recycle bin becomes SYL's insignia. Everything you do makes noises - Satan's Ice Cream Truck has a part that plays when you minimize something, and when you maximize something, or right click. When you click certain things, it makes the ending thud noise from OMFG. When you empty your recycle bin, it says "Strapping Young Lad rocks my hairy anus". When an error pops up, you hear the gasp noise from the beginning of Happy Camper.

I suggest you check out the site. A great fansite from some early fans!
#264744 by Yok
Fri May 06, 2011 7:23 pm
You can also get that crap from the Physicist album as far as I remember, as well as a neato OM theme
#274413 by Griff
Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:15 pm
I cannot find the PC Themes you guys talk about on that website, but it sounds like the ones >I< made. And yes, I got in touch with the guy who was making the CD ROM for Physicist and he put my PC Themes on the disc as a bonus thing. So yeah... :) If you don't believe me, check out the credits in the CD ROM, my name's in there. :) I still have the files somewhere too if anyone wants to check em out.
#274452 by JuZ
Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:59 am
Griff wrote:I cannot find the PC Themes you guys talk about on that website, but it sounds like the ones >I< made. And yes, I got in touch with the guy who was making the CD ROM for Physicist and he put my PC Themes on the disc as a bonus thing. So yeah... :) If you don't believe me, check out the credits in the CD ROM, my name's in there. :) I still have the files somewhere too if anyone wants to check em out.

#275061 by Leechmaster
Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:30 am
This makes me pine for 21stCenturyJesus and his Far Beyond Metal website as well. Ah, nostalgia... you beautiful wretch.

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