Peace to you
#271565 by juju77
Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:10 pm
just got my copies of Deconstruction and Ghost with T-shirt and at this time downloading the extra content I have also just jizzed in my pants :lol: :D
#271568 by robvondoom
Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:20 pm
God damn what a shitty day! All over the City engaging slack jawed minions, finding no trace that Devin Townsend even fucking exists at all in the HMVs and Towers of this stupid damn place. Finally found a copy of Ghost in the local long-hair store but no Deconstruction. Sat on the bus on the way home, unable to enjoy the view as the rain outside steamed up the inner windows. Was seconds away from gnawing my own fists off by the time I pulled up to my stop. Ran screaming from the bus to my home.

Ghost in the sound system. Hi Def speakers are loving this production job.
Thanks again Dev. As I imagined upon hearing the leak, this is a most beautifully leveling musical experience.
#271586 by flood_of_rain
Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:19 pm
Impatiently waiting for my preorder to make it's way to my humble residence :)
Ghost is exactly the album I had hoped for. so beautiful and really calming. Kudos to you, Mr. Townsend, for making such contrasting, yet equally wonderful albums 8)
#271625 by cheechonaleash
Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:24 pm
Hey all. Today is the big release date and everyone's talking about it. But, I've got something a bit different. Sorry if it's already been posted. Just noticed a face hidden in the ghost 2 artwork. I noticed it in the top right corner of the picture and only noticed it because I stood up as I was looking at it and increased the angle at which the picture was seen. Try it!
#271626 by No OnE
Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:25 pm
cheechonaleash wrote:Hey all. Today is the big release date and everyone's talking about it. But, I've got something a bit different. Sorry if it's already been posted. Just noticed a face hidden in the ghost 2 artwork. I noticed it in the top right corner of the picture and only noticed it because I stood up as I was looking at it and increased the angle at which the picture was seen. Try it!

#271627 by cheechonaleash
Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:27 pm
No OnE wrote:
cheechonaleash wrote:Hey all. Today is the big release date and everyone's talking about it. But, I've got something a bit different. Sorry if it's already been posted. Just noticed a face hidden in the ghost 2 artwork. I noticed it in the top right corner of the picture and only noticed it because I stood up as I was looking at it and increased the angle at which the picture was seen. Try it!


I also shat bricks!
#271713 by barackobaka
Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:21 am
Watch You is geniuenely very very awesome! I see why he left it out though, its a bit too lively compared to the rest.
The Stand reprise gave me major goosebumps. It also reminds me a bit of Noisy Pink Bubbles!
Really excited for Ghost II now.

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