Checked out Ghost on Itunes...
"Radical Highway" ಠ_ಠ
"Radical Highway" ಠ_ಠ
Marijn wrote:I think that I am going to love Ghost eventually, but it has not entirely 'clicked' with me the way other albums did, yet...
Still, it is a beautiful piece of work!
By the way, I am so looking forward to my CD-quality pre-order of both the albums!
Spades wrote:After my first and only listen, can't say I'm much of a fan of this album. I think I need to be in a rare mood that would allow me to sit through it all without feeling the urge to put something else on to change the pace. Also not a fan of Devin's vocal production where it sounds like the same vocal track in stereo mode and makes it sound a bit processed. For that stripped back kind of mellow music, I like just a simple clear vocal track straight down the middle that sounds more organic.
In no way I'm saying this this album is bad, just not my cup of tea. I'm glad most people here seem to like it.
My $0.02
Kore wrote:There were a lot of albums that Dev put out there that didn't click with me on the first listen. That doesn't seem to be the case with any of the DTP albums, though. Surprising.
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