Peace to you
#269624 by Pik_Nick'92
Tue May 31, 2011 2:11 pm
Y'know, the more I listen to blackberry, the more I think of Synchestra. I mean it sounds like a song that would fit well after Let It Roll or the last half of the record. I dunno, maybe its just me.

But I personally think the flute is the key instrument in binding the emotions together on these songs. It just adds that special touch which, along with the guitars and calm vocals give it that more of an ethereal sound.
#269627 by Allu27
Tue May 31, 2011 3:05 pm
My god what a beautiful record!
I love albums like this that just calm you down and creates that kind peaceful atmosphere.
All the stress in the world fades away and all you can do is smile and enjoy the moment.
#269629 by Mara
Tue May 31, 2011 3:12 pm
Kawaii + Ghost + Blackberry = happy Mara

I love how Dev manages to have his unique and recognizable musical signature over every type of music he makes. The DTP concept shows the diversity and unity of Dev’s work at the same time, and while Ghost is different from everything he has done so far, it actually fits perfectly into that concept.

Personally, I would be more than happy to hear more of the Ghost-like stuff in the future.

Allu27 wrote:All the stress in the world fades away and all you can do is smile and enjoy the moment.

This. :)
#269644 by PUNCHLINE
Tue May 31, 2011 5:17 pm
Id say falling asleep to an album is a compliment: there is a huge difference between being so relaxed listening to something and being so bored you want to just turn it off...

Ghost is beautiful btw.
#269686 by indo_mex
Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:29 am
Ghost 2: Monty Python and the Holy Ghost
2011: A Ghost Odyssey
The Ghostfather Part II
Ghost 2: The Ghost Strikes Back
Ghost 2: Ghostfellas
Ghost 2: No Country for Old Ghosts

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