Peace to you
#269513 by kyl88
Mon May 30, 2011 11:12 pm
Ki, Addicted, Deconstruction, and Ghost... For me personally, I really can't begin to choose which one i like best. I like them all for
what they are.

If i could think of the words, I would type them. But I can't.

Thanks, Devin. :)

I'm a grown man. Wife, children (4!) and a mortgage. I'm as average joe as they come.... I don't care if anyone thinks i'm a 'fanboy'.
(Whatever that means)

I am truly glad that I discovered your music, Devin. :)

For what it's worth, you have really made my life more enjoyable than if hadn't happened upon your music.

From the bottom of my heart, Devin, Thankyou. :)
#269514 by tk6yG2
Mon May 30, 2011 11:16 pm
Dev you have to be the most honest musician out there.

Honestly I was one of the people who didn't prefer the flatulence on Decon, but it didn't ruin the album for me. I think it's a great album, and I would never want you to change it to please me.

Keep doing what you're doin! Bring on Epicloud!
#269516 by Lolliklauer
Mon May 30, 2011 11:33 pm
The Dev wrote:I think I've got one thing going for me currently that I haven't in the past, and that is a willingness to try things that are important to me and am prepared to fail. (epically if need be...)

My deepest respect for that!

The Dev wrote:I appreciate that what I have done may not work for some of you. I urge you not to buy anything I do if it bothers you. Please. I would expect to do the same myself. As much as it may seem like I'm trying to sell people everything lately, thats just part of the game with labels, managers, lawyers, band etc. I hope you can see that. I hate to think that people are spending money on what I do out of loyalty or obligation, that makes me feel ridiculous. Download it, check it out. If you like it... awesome! Any support is great! If you really dislike it, good lord, don't buy anything.

If this is directed to me: don't worry, even if Ghost in most and Decon in some parts are not "working for me", the package is still more than worth it's price!
#269517 by Captain Awesome
Mon May 30, 2011 11:33 pm
I kind of laughed when I read some people had fallend asleep whilst listening to Ghost and then it happened to me last night. Woke up at 3am with my headphones on! :oops: haha.

I think Ghost is exactly what I expected it to be. I really enjoy it and it's an album I want to play for other people and say 'listen to this!'. However, for me the surprise packet of the bunch was Decon. I enjoyed it WAY more than I thought I would - it may be 'heavy' but there is some beautiful stuff in there. Addicted is still my favourite and I think experiencing some of those tracks live on Dev's Australian tour certainly helped to add some special moments/memories to the album.

Dev - I've been listening to your music 15 years and you have given me more than I could ever hope to give you in return. Thanks for a brilliant 4 album project. You certainly have my respect, support and money! I look forward to whatever the future brings.
#269521 by ppinkham
Tue May 31, 2011 12:03 am
The Dev wrote: I hate to think that people are spending money on what I do out of loyalty or obligation, that makes me feel ridiculous.

It shouldn't. I may not like every song you've ever written, but there are usually more than a few on every album that I truly do like. There are entire albums that I love. As diverse as your catalog is, it can be hit or miss. lol However, I am a firm believer in supporting an artist when you can. Honestly, the only reason I bought 'Devlab' and 'The Hummer' was because I wanted to give a little more. I actually ended up liking 'The Hummer,' afterall.

I want you to keep doing what you do, because I enjoy most of it. If I download something and hate it, I'll still end up buying something because I do feel obligated. That's just the way I'm wired. This is your livelihood, and I have no problem investing in it. Like I said, I want you to keep doing it. I want to see where you'll go next. If you start to suck consistently, then my policy on supporting the artist may have to change. ;)

It shouldn't make you feel ridiculous, though. People do these things because they choose to, and will continue to do so. What we do with our money is up to us. You'd better start getting used to it. ;)
#269527 by No OnE
Tue May 31, 2011 12:38 am
Captain Awesome wrote:I kind of laughed when I read some people had fallend asleep whilst listening to Ghost and then it happened to me last night. Woke up at 3am with my headphones on! :oops: haha.

Nothing wrong with that, sleep is awesome and Ghost is fantastic to wind down to. I've fallen asleep to HEAVY stuff too (ie. Meshuggah, Gojira, SYL, etc etc), because when I'm tired, that kind of stuff drains every last bit of life out of me until sleep is the only thing left that I can do :D My old roommate thought I was nuts when I said that Catch 33 is a great album to fall asleep to haha. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has experienced that.

I find myself agreeing with those who say that Ghost is best enjoyed when its played quietly in the background while doing other work/studying/etc. Dev, I think you said at one point that it's more difficult to write "quiet" music than it is to write loud music, and having heard Ghost a few times now, I feel like I'm beginning to see what you meant by that (at least to some degree). Regardless of difficulty, you did a spankin' job on Ghost, I'm psyched for the preorders to ship :D I hope some interviewer asks you about artists & groups & albums & whatnot that may have inspired the Ghost album, rather than the typical "what is decon about?" questions that they all seem to ask.
#269529 by Telescopes Are Gay
Tue May 31, 2011 12:46 am
The Dev wrote:I've been doing a bit of a 'digital fast' lately...I get so wrapped up in the computer and I let other peoples opinions and ideas of what I should do or should have done clutter my mind up. It's all just phantoms ultimately.

Phantoms...or could you say...poltergeists? 8)
#269530 by indo_mex
Tue May 31, 2011 12:46 am
The Lodge wrote:Do you get what I mean? It's like I'm in "song mode" sometimes and in "ambient mode" for other times, and being in "song mode" makes the ambient bits feel a bit boring - not that they are, it's just put into that perspective by the rest of the material.

Interesting observation as I didn't consciously register that - but felt it. Although I didn't find the ambient tracks boring I think you maybe right in what you say. I think for me the album may've felt more consistent as either 'songs' or 'ambient tracks'.
#269534 by indo_mex
Tue May 31, 2011 1:53 am
The Dev wrote:I appreciate that what I have done may not work for some of you. I urge you not to buy anything I do if it bothers you.

I'm not sure how paranoid I am and if a chunk of your post was specifically aimed at me or not but I feel the need to respond in the event it was. It's in one way unfortunate you frequent your own forum so much and need to listen to so many different opinions and especially criticisms of your hard-produced work, which I'm sure can't always feel good. I'd most probably express similar sentiments on a general heavy metal forum but as it's not a Hevy Devy forum the amount and quality of the discussions would be generally quite weak. Although often a specific band forum can have other problems - even here, I find reading page after page of constant praise (bordering on blind praise I sometimes feel) can be quite annoying so most of my criticisms are highly magnified in a devil's advocate type way. I'm sure other Ghost critics feel the same. I'd prefer you produced evolving and challenging music that I mightn't always be crazy about than regurgitating Biomech for every album. I mightn't be crazy about Ghost but I've a huge amount of respect for it and even one great song makes your albums worth the purchase - to date Ghost has 3. Everything's good.
Last edited by indo_mex on Tue May 31, 2011 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
#269538 by flood_of_rain
Tue May 31, 2011 2:47 am
The Dev wrote:
I've been doing a bit of a 'digital fast' lately...I get so wrapped up in the computer and I let other peoples opinions and ideas of what I should do or should have done clutter my mind up. It's all just phantoms ultimately.

I stand by all my decisions. Scatological humor and pseudo folk included. I never claim to be the best musician, smartest guy, best anything... I think I've got one thing going for me currently that I haven't in the past, and that is a willingness to try things that are important to me and am prepared to fail. (epically if need be...)

It's awesome to see you doing what you love doing. I don't mean that in a kiss-arse kind of way either. the whole DTP experience has taken me out of my musical comfort zone a few times and you know what? i kinda found i dug more varied styles than i gave myself credit for. there are some subtle nods to country/folk music in there that i quite dig.
coming from an angsty industrial background didn't prepare me for that shift :lol:

ultimately you would never feel truly happy unless giving yourself the opportunity to express your full palette of musical tastes. you're never going to please everyone so dont let everyone else's opinions shift you away from the goals you set in place.

that musical honesty is what keeps a lot of us coming back for more. i'd rather hear a cheesy country album, than listen to a forced metal record without genuine feeling or emotion.

anyway, what the fuck was I talking about? :roll:

oh yeah!

you go, girl! :)
#269541 by ChaosD.
Tue May 31, 2011 3:32 am
On a personal stand point this album has probably been the most eagerly awaited of my entire life. And the morning I downloaded it I realised that maybe my expectation was raised slightly to high. Ki and Ghost are my two favourites of the quad-rilogy and I actually adore Ghost. But no album should have the amount of expectation heaped on it, that I personally put on Ghost.

To all the haters of the flute I have to question what on earth you expected? You saw the Namm shows and saw the prominence it played in the new material and the redone versions of Coast, Terminal and Ih-Ah. The flute was probably one of the biggest draws of the album for me and the whole nature of the album still appears to be very spacey and ambient.

Thanks for a great album devy, thanks for a great project and most of all, thanks for being true to yourself with your music, writing what you wanna write.
#269542 by indo_mex
Tue May 31, 2011 3:47 am
ChaosD. wrote:To all the haters of the flute I have to question what on earth you expected? You saw the Namm shows and saw the prominence it played in the new material and the redone versions of Coast, Terminal and Ih-Ah.

I'm not sure anyone 'hates the flute', the consensus from the skeptical quarter seems to be that there maybe too much of it. Personally I didn't see Namm or any redone versions of songs but either way it shouldn't stop fans listening to an album and expressing an opinion of it. I don't know what an expectation has to do with anything unless you're advocating prejudicing an album before hearing it.
#269544 by Monitarcturum
Tue May 31, 2011 4:01 am
indo_mex wrote:blah blah wall of fucking text

My god, this is exactly how I felt about Ghost. Great, now I don't have to struggle with my god-awful English.

That said,
Addicted > Ki > Ghost >>>>>>>>> Decon

EDIT: Oh god I just realized what those "we will never" bits in Seams remind me of


Speaking of which, when the hell are we going to get the next EKO?

The Dev wrote:Going to NY in the morning to do a video for Juular that will surely get folks knickers in a twist... wait till you see this, hoo boy... :)

oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy

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