Peace to you
#267440 by AppleQueso
Mon May 16, 2011 9:47 pm
So no physical release? :C

I suppose I could just burn it and print the artwork or something...

If you ever end up releasing it physically through HDR or something (even as one of those pro-cdrs or something like that) I know I'll be sure to buy it.
#267441 by Kurt
Mon May 16, 2011 9:49 pm
Travis does some amazing artwork, but can't help but feel a similarity between the usual art that tool has and the artwork for ghost 2.
#267443 by No OnE
Mon May 16, 2011 9:52 pm
Nice cover, Dev (and Travis, of course)! Your dreams must be better than mine, that's all I can say haha. I won't ask since you don't want me too :D

I imagine it'll all make more sense in 1-2 weeks time, I know you guys are working hard to get this stuff out in the best possible manner. Thanks for what you do! :D
#267445 by gurp13
Mon May 16, 2011 10:03 pm
The Dev wrote:Hey guys, Travis has done an amazing layout for g2 before they decided to make it what they did. I'm sorry for the lack of communication on my end. This is what I plan to do:

Finish the art with Trav and make it available for download for free

Get the remaining tracks up as well, and then get it in the order it's meant to go.. you won't have to pay for it if I find a clever way.

Sorry for the bs, I'll make it happen.

I just wanted to say, thanks, Devin, for your hard work. Honestly, this last year I have had so many things shatter my faith in people. It seems that so many just want my money regardless of the quality of the product in return. My HMO doesn't ask how the procedure went, just where my payment is. (the procedure went fine, thanks) Politicians just want my vote and go back to servicing the corporations. And, Education here in the US has just gotten straight up weird. Are cutting things that are essential now and students are being shortchanged left and right. It just seems that people just want to make money and get "theirs" without regard for what that means for others.

So, thank you for being honest and fair. I would gladly pay for Ghost 2 separate from the Ghost/Decon bundle. When I buy an album from you I know I'm getting your true artistic statement and the best music you were capable of making. I know I'm getting your "voice" and not a market researched focus grouped product or song you wrote cynically to cash in on fan demand. I know not everyone has the money, you know how rich teachers are, but I bought my VIP ticket and this bundle without hesitation. I can't think of another artist I would rather send my cash to. For my part, I can't figure out why others don't hear what I hear in your music. I can't figure out why Hyperdrive or Supercrush aren't huge hits. To me, Decon should be purchased by every extreme metal fan. What's not to like? But, my opinion is not widely shared. Everyone else I know says, "Devin who?"

Brother, you've got nothing to apologize for. It is only right and fair that we should pay for your music. But, if you're handing it out for free... Well, where do I click?
#267451 by hardworker
Mon May 16, 2011 11:09 pm
I think that Dev should rename his "HevyDevy" into DMF which stands for Devin's Music Factory or DTF like Devin Townsend Factory 'cause he is like one man factory making all that music so fast that we can't even take a breath in between two releases...but carry on Dev we will catch-up with you... :guitar:
#267452 by Chimairacle
Mon May 16, 2011 11:40 pm
Telescopes Are Gay wrote:Image

I started to not like mannequins after playing Silent Hill 2. Neat artwork though.

Hahaha that's what they reminded me of too. The artwork is great though, although not what I was expecting! :P
#267469 by AppleQueso
Tue May 17, 2011 1:06 am
Heh, my friend made a Silent Hill comparison when I let him listen to Fall.

gurp13 wrote:Everyone else I know says, "Devin who?"

Everyone I know says "Any relation to Pete Townshend?"
#267475 by mEh!
Tue May 17, 2011 1:34 am
ghost 2 cover looks rad. Kinda looks like a deathmetal album. :)
I'm on adventures in Scotland right now and I wish I had ghost with me so baaaad

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