Peace to you
#264659 by catharsis
Fri May 06, 2011 12:11 pm
I hate to say it but ih-ah stands out as virtually the only song in dev's catalogue that isn't very original to begin with. when i first heard it, i t sounded almost familiar, that main riff is similar to a few songs though i can't think of something specific. i haven't heard this dude's song but it sounding like ih-ah isn't that shocking. not trying to criticize, i love ih-ah, just sayin'
#264665 by ctfod
Fri May 06, 2011 12:44 pm
Didn't Led Zep support a more obscure band when they were starting out, who had a riff that was strangely familiar to the Stairway to Heaven riff?
#264670 by Wander
Fri May 06, 2011 1:08 pm
ctfod wrote:Didn't Led Zep support a more obscure band when they were starting out, who had a riff that was strangely familiar to the Stairway to Heaven riff?

Hadn't heard about that story, but everybody knows that Zeppelin ripped off many blues musicians, some uncredited, some credited (later on). But who cares, it wasn't such a big deal in those days.
#264675 by catharsis
Fri May 06, 2011 1:19 pm
all i know is papa roach ripped off greenday who ripped off led zep.
#264711 by swervedriver
Fri May 06, 2011 3:14 pm
Everybody rips off Meshuggah.

Even Led Zeppelin.
#264746 by flood_of_rain
Fri May 06, 2011 8:07 pm
Ghost is the album I have been drooling for since the studio vids were posted up, giving us a taste of what to expect :)
with all the hectic stuff that goes on in everyday life, it's great to have that soft, almost meditative music to listen to.
I find that Ki, as well as some choice albums by Ulver, Bjork and Eluvium always do it for me, too.
can't wait till June! 8)
#264756 by tiberiummetalhead
Fri May 06, 2011 10:21 pm
I'm really excited about Ghost... From what I've heard I have been really really blown away. I really enjoyed the acoustic jam kinda vids that Dev uploaded around the time of Ki (I think thats when they were put up)... that really ethereal sitting in a forest vibe is one which I really dig. The inclusion of Miss Epple's flutes is definitely a masterful move.

definitely looking forfward to hearing how the 'poem read out recorded played back on car stereo in tunnel and recorded' moment is going to sound aswell

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