The Dev wrote:Years ago, a lawyer advised me NOT to listen to or accept any demos. For that very reason...
I have a friend (remaining nameless who was sued by someone who said that he stole a song from a demo that he gave to him at one of his concerts. He very truly didn't, but really...specifically with simple progressions, it's fairly likely that people stumble across similar passages by accident. The lawsuit never amounted to anything, but it was a hassle.
So unfortunately, I haven't really listened to a demo in 12 years or more. Sometimes it's unavoidable, or I've known someone for long enough that I'll check out their website or whatever, but no...I don't listen to demos.
I accept them from people, because I rarely have the time to explain the legal thing to people, but under advice from my friend and my lawyer, I don't listen. I used to make a point of saying that on the website, but some people 'wouldn't take no for an answer' or what have you, and it ended up being constant explaining.
The whole Coldplay / Satriani thing was crazy too... a very simple progression that Satriani think they stole. I know Joe, and he's a total sweetheart, but when I heard the two songs even in THAT scenario, I couldn't help but think it was coincidence.
Sucks though. Don't want people to think they're being taken advantage of.
Good thing I didn't give you a demo but an official release then.