This is my request, wish me the best
#262637 by ctfod
Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:45 am
The Dev wrote:Tracklist:

Radial Highway
Watch You
Coming Home

Travis Smith did the art...having problems convincing management and labels that we should release it with the other two. Trying maybe a 'direct to consumer' approach... who knows.

My thing is I decided 'fuck it' and just finished the mix and artwork. Then it's ready and it'll find it's way out.

I really like the album. Darker than Ghost by a long shot but really 'vibe-y'., yeah.

Guess I spoke too soon, then.

The Dev wrote:And in terms of what to listen to... listen to them all whenever as far as I'm concerned... I'm sure they'll leak soon


I'm sure they'd never find out who did it... :wink:
#262651 by The Dev
Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:28 pm
When it leaks, (as is the case with all the other records), the leaks certainly don't come from me. I have no problems with downloading, but it's still nice to make a living somehow. Leaking my own stuff months in advance isn't really the most strategic move... :)
#262652 by Rossell
Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:33 pm
I'm normally alright with downloading your stuff Dev 'cos I know my copy is probably in the post at that point :)

In fact thats my philosophy (sp?) on albums in general really.
#262653 by Lettuce
Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:35 pm
You could always put a fake leak out. You out your grocery list or burp in a jar and record it.
#262654 by Rossell
Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:36 pm
Didn't Madonna leak a fake track of herself getting hacked off at the fact people were trying to download her stuff.

I'm sure Devin with his sense of humour could do something much funnier.
#262659 by The Dev
Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:45 pm
Well, it's a fine line you know... If it didn't get leaked until the last week, that helps sales in some ways I suspect. But when it does leak, to worry about it is a complete waste of energy.

So when they do leak my thought is 'go for it...' you know? I guess I'd prefer if didn't, but it will, so fuck it.

And to be honest, I don't really know if it NOT leaking helps sales anyways (unless the album is shit, in which's probably good to know) And also, I'm really curious what people will think of these two anyways, so in a way...I'm kind of anxious for it to leak so people can try it on for size and enjoy it (or have a field day talking shit about it).

Anyways... business 101:

'Fuck em if they can't take a joke'

If I make a shit-ton of money one day, I'll just leak all the stuff the day after mastering anyways...
#262660 by Rossell
Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:54 pm
Humour is the best therapy as they say :)

Edit: OK if that sentence doesn't fit in with ANYTHING, it's been a long day. My bad soz.
#262672 by ctfod
Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:47 pm
Me and a friend put a fake download of Agalloch's Marrow of the Spirit all over the internet before it was released, which was in reality the new Dream Theater album. People were hilariously pissed about it, and it even got back to the band themselves. I was thinking of doing the same with Decon.

Shit, I've gone and spoilt the suprise now :P
#262674 by Sanne
Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:51 pm
ctfod wrote:Me and a friend put a fake download of Agalloch's Marrow of the Spirit all over the internet before it was released, which was in reality the new Dream Theater album. People were hilariously pissed about it, and it even got back to the band themselves. I was thinking of doing the same with Decon.

#262675 by indo_mex
Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:56 pm
The Dev wrote:And to be honest, I don't really know if it NOT leaking helps sales anyways (unless the album is shit, in which's probably good to know)

I think with 'proper' fans/music listeners (i.e. the ones who buy albums they like) you are right in that I suspect leaking may only affect sales if the album is bad. Most proper fans always want a physical copy and if not, it's hard to label them fans in any opinion. Most of the new bands I got into was through checking out an album through a download and then if good buying it (I really don't feel releasing one song (or single as in the oldern days) is representative of most albums and people know this)). I think given the hype/curiosities generated for Decon and Ghost a lot of new people or even haters will be very curious to check it out. In a nutshell I'm doubtful if the '1 illegal download = 1 lost CD sale' is anywhere near accurate.
#262707 by EphelDuath666
Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:37 pm
I have made a rather interesting discovery. I did not download any music, not even a song or anything for a pretty darn long time now and...I did not buy any music either. I think I did not buy any music because of it. I find it pretty hard to discover new stuff. I remember when I downloaded music the download sites were basically my shopping lists. The description said 'awesome this/that...sounds like band x/y', that got me interested, I downloaded it, loved it and eventually bought it. Back when I did all the festivals with a friend of mine I came home from each festival with at least 15 - 20 purchased CD's. and I was at 5 or 6 festivals each year. But I'm more like 'I don't really know what to buy'. I know it's ironic but I think I was more useful for the music industry when I downloaded music. As with everything else, it might just come down to what your reasons for downloading something are.
#262709 by The Dev
Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:54 pm
Yup. A friend burnt me 3 disks recently, and after about 6 months, I ended up buying 2 of them.
#262710 by SyntheticBreed
Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:10 pm
I must say downloading music can definitely be a totally beneficial thing. My buddy from across the United States introduced me to you Dev by sending me all of your albums in mp3 format, along side with all of my other now favorite bands. I owned nothing of it. So what did I do? After thoroughly falling in love with all that is HevyDevy's music, I bought everything you've ever put the fuck out. (remember me from NJ, you sat down with my best friend and I and signed over 100 things for me at that small table a few hours before the show? By the way thanks again!) I spent hundreds on your stuff and will buy everything you put out in the future, and it's all thanks to downloading your shit. I now own over 450 cds and 200 of them are signed. I will always download music before it's release. If I like it I will buy it, if I don't I delete it after giving it a fair amount of time to try to like it more. All in all for people like me, leaking music and downloading is working out for artists for the better. For the assholes who download and not support the artists by purchasing their albums, obviously not so much. I am all about supporting the bands, you you too Dev you crazy Canadian motherfucker! Seriously can't wait for Decon and Ghost I+II. Definitely going to be the highlight of new music 2011. \m/\m/
#262720 by Medisinyl
Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:24 pm
Original CDs sound better as well (perceived difference vs MP3 may be limited by the quality of the stereo). Further, vinyl snobs (like myself to an extent) may argue a well done vinyl is even better :wink: .
#262728 by SyntheticBreed
Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:05 pm
Vinyl is the best but the Bowers and Wilkins I use work pretty fucking good. B&W CM9's. :wink:

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