BlueRaja wrote:Leechmaster wrote:soundsofentropy wrote:Leechmaster wrote:She was banned for a month for saying nigger and then when she made a new account to explain the context she meant it in and apologise for causing offence she was permanently banned for making more than one account...
That seems easy enough to get around (not like these forums require identification of any sort). Not that I support that sort of thing. I guess I'm either trying to say that she's exceptionally honest or that she's just lurking/posting under another name.
Nah, neither. She came back once or maybe twice for a day or so right after she was banned and just messed around a bit but she'd usually give away who she was cos she was friendly with so many people and get banned again. Then she just didn't think it was worth bothering anymore. She'd still be a regular poster otherwise...
Come on and I and the rest of the Mods know it was quite a bit more than that. I kept records of everything.
I was asked why she was gone and she wasn't banned for any of the other stuff, she was permanently banned for making the second account to apologise to whoever she offended in the first post. Just because that was used as the means to an end, because whatever else she'd done wasn't really bannable or she would've been banned before, doesn't make it that she was banned for being argumentative. Perish the thought that someone may want a bit of heated argument or discussion on an internet forum, but that isn't breaking the rules. People just got pathetically upset over stupid shit that was largely said in inappropriate jest as is her typical nature and controversial crap often sparks good discussion. Animals are usually more entertaining when you whack them in the 'nads with a stick, etc.
The thread she was banned in was a music/band-bashing thread, blatantly violating Rule #9. Rule #8 has often gone unenforced and coincidentally around the time she got banned she'd gotten in shit in college over some topless photos of guys or something showing up on the forum but she didn't complain because, for fuck sake, it's the internet. That stuff happens on here. Even when I said it to Dave after the whole thing happened nothing was done. There has been plenty of hostile and argumentative posts around over the years and nothing was done about that. I put up a series of pictures that got me banned for a day because they were apparently offensive to everybody under the sun who can't take a joke yet she got banned for a month for just saying nigger and when she came back to explain the exact context of what she said (which people understood in the first place and had quoted and agreed with what she said) and to apologise she was banned for good. She didn't have a chance to explain it to a moderator because nobody bothered to contact her to talk to her about why she was banned. And just after I was banned I remember seeing a post somewhere about niggers and a Mod even quoted it but nothing was done at all. Am I gonna get banned for breaking Rule #6 and arguing with a moderator? Should Billy have gotten banned for breaking Rule #5 and posting something derogatory in the jokes thread a few weeks back about Irish people that I may have found offensive if I couldn't take a fucking joke on the bloody internet? Should me, you, Entropy and Aden all be banned for quoting and furthering off-topic discussion as is in Rule #3? That nutcake Nightshine left the boards entirely ages ago because he was constantly complaining that people were always taking his threads off-topic or taking the piss out of him, but those complaints never had anyone banned no matter how persistent they were. If people complained about these things would bans really be handed out? I think the rules were applied because it suited and I think if you asked, most people wouldn't have any problem seeing her back around here again. Dissenting voices are always a part of any good discussion forum.
As for the guilty pleasures, I have realised in the past few weeks that I don't entirely hate Rihanna.
shut up and kiss me you walking infection