Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#256649 by Malikarcanum
Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:13 am
GuyOne wrote:I think Decon is going to highly reflect what people have been asking from Devin for the last few years. You nailed it the concept. It is sad to see people bugging over and over again about getting this and that musician back and Devy having to patiently repeat himself every few pages.

I wonder if it would be smart to close these Decon threads and start a new one that has all the information right on the first page and a notice in the topic a notice for people to read the information on the first page.

Probably what'll happen once Decon gets it's own section.
#256698 by LeperMessiah1170
Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:08 pm
SyntheticBreed wrote:It sounds like it's going to blow SYL out of the water.

Definitely, it sounds so much more chaotic, much more epic, and yet, there are parts that are very pleasant sounding, very Synchestra-esque, I think. If this doesn't turn out to be Devy's best, I'll be shocked.
#256710 by Negoba
Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:23 pm
We're all setting up Decon to be some kind of Messiah record. Don't...

I think everyone was very cautious going into Addicted because Devy's was sending out these warning signals about it being pop. With that sense of caution, I for one was very pleasantly surprised. (I initially thought it was the best thing since Terria, but I settled down and think it's one of a number of great records in Devy's discography.)

...but blow SYL out of the water??? The modus operandi of SYL was to feed you out of the laser cannon. If you think in those terms, it's going to disappoint. You just can't out-Skeksis Skeksis. And I don't think that's the point.

Decon is going to be a completely new animal, as is Ghost. If we expect the sequel to Alien, we're going to miss.
#256719 by mrbean667
Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:23 pm
Negoba wrote:We're all setting up Decon to be some kind of Messiah record. Don't...

I think everyone was very cautious going into Addicted because Devy's was sending out these warning signals about it being pop. With that sense of caution, I for one was very pleasantly surprised. (I initially thought it was the best thing since Terria, but I settled down and think it's one of a number of great records in Devy's discography.)

...but blow SYL out of the water??? The modus operandi of SYL was to feed you out of the laser cannon. If you think in those terms, it's going to disappoint. You just can't out-Skeksis Skeksis. And I don't think that's the point.

Decon is going to be a completely new animal, as is Ghost. If we expect the sequel to Alien, we're going to miss.

That's a good point, and if you read Dev's posts in this topic, you'll see that he shares the same sentiment. SYL is done, and nothing can match it.

"There can be a refined Alien of sorts, but different in intent."
"There's a song similar to Shitstorm in intensity..."
#256739 by The Dev
Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:34 pm
I think the best way to summarize Deconstruction for those who set it up for 'absolute triumph' is the following:

There are elements of it that are similar to syl, of course...it's a heavy metal record and I wrote 95% of everything relating to syl. thats inevitable.

The suicidal and nihlistic intention that defined syl does not exist anymore. It is quite literally dead. So there will be a void in Deconstruction for those who want (need) that...and there's a good chance that void will be hard to pinpoint for some people. It is that, though.

Where Alien was 'too much' and at the end of that record, people (including myself) felt a little violated, Deconstruction is also 'too much' ...but much easier to take, (for me) because it's much more monolithic musically and in scope. It's a 74 minute record with so many elements that it feels much longer.

There are several 'fast' songs, they don't elicit the same response as 'you suck' or 'oh my fucking god' or 'shitstorm' though... it's strange, but although the deconstruction fast songs are every bit as chaotic, they strangely don't feel that 'brutal'...just intense amounts of energy.

There is an element of Deconstruction that is proggy and nerdy in a way that syl never was. This is my true nature shining through this form of music. I had hidden that while doing syl for fear that it wouldn't be accepted. Therefore, there will be a faction of listeners that will find this record (deconstruction) oddly bland and possibly really boring.

IF you listen to it for what it is, (a complete summary of everything I've done and a reflection of the reasons why...) it makes syl seem like petulant childs play. The difference between checkers and chess.

After the last note of Deconstruction, I have no desire to hear it again. I feel that Ghost is the IDEAL sound to follow the experience with.

So all in all, what is Deconstruction? ...another Dev record. Just like all the rest. It has attributes and flaws but it says what I need it to say and I'm very proud of it.
#256743 by Malikarcanum
Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:26 pm
The Dev wrote:So all in all, what is Deconstruction? ...another Dev record. J

& that's exactly what I'd expect it to be.

If it wasn't, we might have an identity crisis on our hands. :D

For those who read too much into him saying he considers it to be one of, if not the, greatest thing he's done: every artist thinks that about their newest venture. When they don't, that's when you know it's probably not as sincere as it could be.

In hindsight it'll be easier to make a slightly more objective take on it, but when you're right in the thick of it, surrounded by it, It always seems like the greatest thing you've ever created. It's a perfect snapshot of where they are as an artist at that time.
#256744 by barackobaka
Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:36 pm
The Dev wrote:...strangely don't feel that 'brutal'...just intense amounts of energy.

I think thats actually kinda cooler... don't have to be in a bad mood to appreciate it!
#256745 by Telescopes Are Gay
Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:42 pm
I never understood the "sequel" mentality. On one hand, I've heard fans demand a sequel to Album X but at the same time under the same breath say that Album Y (the sequel) sounds too much like Album X and is therefore redundant. Me personally, I like, appreciate, and respect musical diversity in albums. 7 out of 10 times I end up liking the 'black sheep' track out of an album because, well, it's different. That's why I got into Dev's music in the first place, each album is it's own beast.
#256748 by Jaglavak
Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:20 pm
Gotta say, I'm really happy with Dev's description of what Deconstruction is, compared to Strapping Young Lad. To elaborate...

...my problem with Strapping (as a band) is that the whole thing began to feel forced after City came out, and the guys went on hiatus for a few years. SYL, Alien, and especially The New Black all seemed to get... progressively further and further from the original 'concept' that Strapping was conceived behind, IMO. Even though they're all great albums in their own right, I can't listen listen to them and help but think that Devin's heart really wasn't in what was going on, anymore. As I said, this is a feeling I get more and more as I work my way through the Strapping discography; it in no way invalidates or makes the music sound bad to me, but... those thoughts are always there. I'm pretty sure Dev said it himself in an interview; the whole idea of Strapping, in the BEGINNING, was to basically serve as a giant musical middle finger to the world. When fans started showing up to concerts, eventually, EXPECTING (and liking) to be told to screw off, as well as demanding more hateful music in the same vein (even when the people responsible for it may not have felt that way anymore...) that's when he said he knew Strapping was done, and that the band and everything behind it had gone too far.

...and THAT is why I'm so excited for Deconstruction - not just because the clips posted of it so far sounds incredible, musically; it's because I feel like Devin is REALLY going all out to make the record what HE wants it to be, this time! I'm not saying he wasn't honest with Strapping, again, but... this time, there's a purpose behind the heavy, chaotic music, other than to continue making MORE of it because people want to hear it! Once again, I'm treading a very fine line saying all this (or, so I feel) because I'm not trying to say that Devin only continued Strapping because people wanted him too, or that he wasn't interested in the music while making it... I just feel like he's in a much, much better place now (having made some really positive life decisions, over the past few years) and that his musical expression and output, right now, is healthier than it's ever been. His description of Deconstruction's lack of nihilistic and suicidal tendencies, and 'WHY WHY WHY WHY?!' mentality has just made me more excited for the album, versus getting upset that Strapping will NEVER come back... something I never want to see happen, for the record.

This time around, I really feel like we're getting Devin's true, unfiltered, completely 100% honest and inspired work in the form of Deconstruction; the metal album that I almost feel like he was trying to make for years, but conditions around him - however many or few - never allowed him to. The whole reason I'm a fan of this man and his music - his artistic expression - is because he's honest and true to how he feels, and he writes, records, and releases music accordingly. That's something that I feel is, sadly, rare in today's industry... someone making music the way THEY want to, because they WANT to make music! Following their gut and doing what they need to do, and not letting people tell them differently - sticking to their guns, and making the records THEY want to make. I hate to sound all cheesy and fanboyish, but... that's really how I feel, and perceive the whole situation. So, I myself am extremely happy that Deconstruction is shaping up to be the way it is - same way I'm extremely happy that ALL the DTP are turning out/have turned out to be the way they are. They're all honest (and fearless, depending on how you look at it) representations of how Devin felt at the time he recorded them...

...and honesty is something that always, in my humble opinion, yields the best results when doing most anything. Thus, my excitement. :D

So, yeah. For those of you who looked at this and said TL;DR... really happy that Deconstruction isn't Alien Part 2, or Strapping Young Lad Part 2, or ANYTHING in that vein. I don't care how bizarre or off the wall it turns out; the fact is, we're getting Devin's 100% honest and inspired work, and that's all I could ever ask from him, as someone who listens to his music and gets the same amazing experience listening to it that he does. So, bring it on, I say!
#256750 by Malikarcanum
Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:05 pm
^ My sentiments exactly.

It's rather ironic that all the people asking for more Strapping don't understand that what they're doing is part of the reason the band's gone in the first place.
#256752 by barackobaka
Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:40 pm
Completely disagree about Alien sounding even slightly forced; its a 1000 megaton hammer of stressed paranoia, and while the intention of Strapping with City was strength, Alien stands on its merits. City and Alien are the 2 strapping records which feel the most brutally honest... I dunno, just my 2 cents.
#256754 by Jaglavak
Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:02 pm
barackobaka wrote:Completely disagree about Alien sounding even slightly forced; its a 1000 megaton hammer of stressed paranoia, and while the intention of Strapping with City was strength, Alien stands on its merits. City and Alien are the 2 strapping records which feel the most brutally honest... I dunno, just my 2 cents.

I never said that it sounds forced... I just get that feeling listening to it, because of everything that went into making that album. I love Alien for what it is, to me (a ridiculously over the top and brutal metal album, with just a hint of insanity); it's just the way I FEEL when I listen to it that makes it hard for me to take it seriously, sometimes, along with all of Strapping's other post-City output. That line in Shitstorm ('If you want crazy, I'll show you ****ing crazy') just kinds of drives home the point, for me, that the goal behind the album wasn't as... 'from the heart', I guess, as Devin's output now is, for example. Like the album was made to be as heavy and crazy as possible, for the SAKE of making it as heavy and crazy as possible. That's just how I feel after listening to it a million plus times, and watching the making of documentaries on Youtube...

...but, obviously, to each and his own. :P
#256802 by Negoba
Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:02 am
It's interesting but that one line is the crux of the entire album "you want crazy, I'll show you crazy." It gets quoted in reviews as being feeling forced. I think if any singer in the world can pull that line off, it was Devy at that point in his life. It's doesn't feel forced, but he's quite clearly said, it was. He had to do things to himself to make that happen.

As an expression of raw mental pain exploding outward, Alien is IMO even better than City. It is crazier. I was listening to it alot lately, and though I think it's brilliant I started to even think to myself "What is it doing to me to listen to this so much." When "Shitstorm" is the song running on autoplay in your head, it's going to color your life. If I as a listener feel a need to take a break from it, I certainly feel for the artist who had to live it.

"There is an element of Deconstruction that is proggy and nerdy in a way that syl never was. This is my true nature shining through this form of music. I had hidden that while doing syl for fear that it wouldn't be accepted. Therefore, there will be a faction of listeners that will find this record (deconstruction) oddly bland and possibly really boring."

This section makes me very happy. I can almost guarantee this listener will not find it bland or boring, but I'm a prog junkie too.

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