I don't know if this is the same thing or not, but there was a documentary made with that same premise called "Supersize Me". Also, another person did a 'counter-documentary' or something although I don't believe it was made into a movie. He lost weight on the diet, but was only drinking diet soda with his meals instead of regular to show that the weight gain in the film was from 'liquid-calories'. He has a website and was on the news somewhere, but i don't remember links to either.
McAss is what it is. Ronald is an escaped prisoner tring to hide in a clown outfit! See his red and white stripes? Remniscient of Texas State!? And those shoes are so big so he can smuggle drugs. His hair is red so he can blend in with the Scots when he's on McHaggis time!
ps..the Colonel is down with him also! that goatie is brewtal!