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#250733 by The Oid
Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:24 pm
barackobaka wrote:Woah dude, I never noticed just how long that scream is!

It might be Pro-Tools trickery.
There's a scream in Shine at about 1:41 that's insanely long, but if you listen carefully you can hear that it's spliced together, either from several takes, or just the same sample repeating. *

That said, the one on Shitstorm isn't quite as long, so it might be that he can scream for that long.

( *In my defence I only noticed this because I've used/abused the same trick myself for subtle comedy effect, which probably wasn't worth the effort to be honest, given that it's unlikely anyone noticed )
#250849 by the_s_rabbit
Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:57 pm
ppinkham wrote:
the_s_rabbit wrote:Aw c'mon. It's a one time deal. Your throat will heal. Dev has to scream every night!

You first.

That's fair I suppose. I just gotta find a time to do it...when nobody's around. I guess I could just record with my iPhone while I'm in the car too. Right in the middle of traffic for that extra special inspiration. :D
#250894 by Leechmaster
Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:18 am
I just took a shit and there's a storm outside so I threw my shit into the storm. I win.
#251103 by Turge
Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:52 am
In these two songs I belt out 14-15 seconds of screaming. I'd like to try me some Shitstorm, never did before. :D just have to train my voice back to what it was for a few months first. :P
0.22: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY48w6l3ej8
0.47: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOuw5JXRRgo

On topic: Impressive lung capacity, mr. rabbit! Anyone else recorded anything? :D

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