Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#240080 by robvondoom
Fri May 14, 2010 5:48 pm
Ah, Massive disappointment coupled with a surprising amount of understanding.

Do what you gotta do good sir. The chase is better than the catch after all.
I am so downloading the fuck outta any demos that leak though!!!

I'm also hoping it's gonna be a HevyDevy pre-release when it happens and not a Century Media deal.
I still havn't received my signed copy of Addicted. Needless to say CMDistro has met a very unlikable version of me. :evil:
Sons of motherless goats each and every one of them.

So by the time it arrives I'll have the copy I downloaded pre-release, the copy I bought on release day in Ireland (which I had planned on giving to a friend) AND the pre-release mail order copy. (hopefully :roll: )

What was the name of that album again?
Heh heh.
#240089 by The Dev
Fri May 14, 2010 10:41 pm
Man, I wanna record... taking a risk with tours though.

I made a decent profit from Australia, and it ALL (except living expenses) has gone to Europe, and the decent profit from Europe will ALL (besides living expenses) go to America etc... The band needs to be paid better than they are, the crew is expensive, and we just paid 12k for flights to Europe. Gone are the days of tour support folks. It's a tense time.

I think I have something to offer than lots of folks could like... how do I get it to the most people?

Keepin' on, keepin' on...

See you soon!

#240090 by keeptheflame
Fri May 14, 2010 11:52 pm
Do whatcha gotta do, Dev! I know I'll still be here, waiting (*mostly* patiently!) for Decon/Ghost when you're done :D Pretty sure I won't be the only one!

& of course I'll come see any show in NZ that you dooooooo :P
#240092 by Leechmaster
Sat May 15, 2010 3:20 am
12 grand!? Holy shite. Ye'll get raped on the $ -> € exchange as well when ye get here. If you get a good exchange rate you should play in Greece to thank the bastards for dragging our all economies down into further depths of trouble... :lol:

The Euro festivals are probably your best bet for spreading the word here. The crowds at them will be absolutely monstrous, so you just need to rawk their socks off, and then they and the internet will hopefully do the rest of the work! That might increase crowd levels for the solo shows, but we laffs ya over here, so I doubt they'd need a lot to sell out.

Hope you're still enjoying it all!
#240093 by The Dev
Sat May 15, 2010 5:06 am
yeah, I love it and all I want to do is play!

you are right about the festivals, will bring the most rawk ever.

I love it, it's just a gamble and I've never been big on gambling...scary! :)
#240097 by criminal-jammage
Sat May 15, 2010 7:59 am
Ah you'll be grand Dev! People will see how awesome your music is live and im sure your popularity will rise over this side of the globe. Sure anytime i hear your name mentioned its usually followed by i cant wait to catch him live at *enter whatever festival* this year. its going to be AMAZING! And those people will surely make other people watch your set and so on!

Personally, ill be cathcing your set at Bloodstock and i cant wait! :)
#240098 by Atari
Sat May 15, 2010 8:44 am
Bloodstock will be an interesting one.
#240103 by BlingFree
Sat May 15, 2010 10:46 am
Jalbrecht wrote:PS: It's the internet age! I'd pay per track if you were to release b-sides or just random, non-album material.

Cash money.

#240104 by mEh!
Sat May 15, 2010 11:29 am
If there is filming crews at the festivals that could film your shows in a great quality with good angles ect you could put the videos on youtube and (in HQ) on a bonus disc for deconstruction or Z2. (especially the Ziltoidshow in Finland)
That should draw some attention to your shows. :)
Last edited by mEh! on Sun May 16, 2010 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
#240111 by mrbean667
Sat May 15, 2010 8:45 pm
Good idea.
#240113 by ppinkham
Sat May 15, 2010 9:36 pm
The Dev wrote:The band needs to be paid better than they are, the crew is expensive

See, I can help there. Fire the band and crew and hire some of the folks on the forums. I'm sure you could find plenty who would do it for nothing but the experience. The fans owe you. :twisted:

Or just don't pay the ones you've got. Just tell 'em it's about the art, not the money. If they quit, then acoustic Dev ftw!

Ok, maybe I'm not helping...
#240126 by Love of Socks
Sun May 16, 2010 7:14 am
I've met many a Dev crew member and those dudes deserve to be paid. Trust me.
#240134 by ppinkham
Sun May 16, 2010 10:59 am
Love of Socks wrote:I've met many a Dev crew member and those dudes deserve to be paid. Trust me.

Just a bunch of leeches and hangers-on. :wink:

I kid! Much respect to the crew, and any crew of any rock traveling circus. It is a tough gig.
#240142 by Jormungandr
Sun May 16, 2010 12:53 pm
I hope to shit that everything works out for ya Dev. It's a shame more people don't recognize just how good your music is because they can't get past a certain aspect of it like screamed vocals or lengthy songs. It's sad. I have no doubt that if Ih-Ah were played on pop radio stations that people would eat it up.
#240154 by ppinkham
Sun May 16, 2010 2:18 pm
You know, my wife is not a big fan of Devin's music, and she cannot stand Strapping Young Lad. However, the other day I had HaaRHT in the CD changer, and S.Y.L. came on with Dev's little toddler voice at the beginning. I don't know if it is just maternal instincts or what, but first I hear her go "awwww!" Then the music starts, and she starts to kind of dig it. In fact, after the song she said "That was a great song." Of any and all the Strapping/Dev songs I could have imagined her liking, never in a million years would I have imagined it being that one.

The moral? More babies. Deconstruction should be metal for the milfs. Hard music with the soft voices of infants and toddlers. There is an untapped market there. I smell potential. Smell potential, and hear "ka-ching!"

In all seriousness, right now the internet is the way to go as far as exposure goes. The fact that there are people who make a living off of their youtube videos is mind-boggling. It is a tool oozing with potential. However, getting the stuff online AND getting it seen are two different animals, and it may take quite a bit of time for anything to catch on. Whoever did the "Avatar" trailer set to "Supercrush!"on youtube had the right idea. With as popular as "Avatar" is, those just looking for stuff about the movie now have a chance at being exposed to Dev's music. That can mean thousands. Think that video right now has over 4000 views as is. Probably mostly Dev fans to begin with, but if there are any that weren't, any at all, that is still exposure. That is some amazing free advertising. That kind of stuff needs to happen more.

I have no doubt that the music will speak for itself once it is heard. After all, that is why all of us posters are here, right?

Keeping youtube in mind, I think there is huuuuge potential for ZIltoid as a recurring web show. Maybe throw it out to the fans out there, like "Hey, make your own Ziltoid puppet and do some funny shit." People could just film Ziltoid in weird-ass places doing weird-ass things, and post it on youtube. It may be a foot in the door to more exposure, though maybe a side door and not the front. Dev music would have to accompany every video, though.

Let the masses feast on the glory that is the mighty Ziltoid!!!

Just random thoughts. Carry on.

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