Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#231679 by Mikey
Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:25 pm
Did you see this show with DTP, Scale The Summit, Cynic and Between The Buried And Me at The House Of Blues in San Diego, CA?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!


#231684 by gurp13
Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:33 am
I got to see DTP tonight at the HOB in San Diego. I will first give props to Scale the Summit who were really enjoyable. Very melodic and technically proficient. Wish they had a vocalist, personally. But maybe that's just me. I didn't stay for Cynic or BTBAM. I'm not familiar with the former and the latter hasn't really impressed me alot. Plus I had a near two hour drive home and also wanted to relive the babysitter. Ah, yes, so metal!

I really enjoyed seeing Devin and Co. tonight. They opened with Disruptr which sounded great. It seemed heavier than the recording and Dev seemed to enjoy playing it. The crowd was attentive yet not really enthusiastic. Too bad beacause it was a fine rendition. Next was Supercrush. Freaking awesome. God I love this song. I was happy to see that the audience was more into it and seemed to know it. Introducing the next song, Devin said, "Here's a song for the ladies." the band blasted into a killer version of Kingdom. I don't know why, but it surprised me... in a good way. I expected another song off of Addicted or Synchestra, or maybe even Ocean Machine. Anyway, it sounded great and I felt privileged to hear it. After that, they played Truth and Devin had about as many facial expressions as notes. It was a fun and exhilarating performance. Though I recognized the next song I couldn't place it. There were no vocals. I want to say it was from Ocean Machine bit I'm not sure. They finished with By Your Command. Stellar. Funny and heavy.

This wash first time seeing Devin in concert and I'm really glad I got to go. I really hope the DTP does another tour with a headlining position. It's just not enough to only get five songs and a half hour set. Gimme an hour at least! The band sounded great. One question, if anyone knows, how do they play the backing tracks? I heard keyboards and backing vocals. Dev had a laptop on stage. Was that the source?

I bought a zippered DTP hoodie on the way out. I suggest you do similarly if you have the means. It might help promoters decide to put the DTP on a bigger tour with a longer set.
#231686 by ynotgeetar
Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:34 am
Hello all, I lurk here a lot so here is the proof of San Diego. I be the one on the left. This Is the third time I have seen Devin (two with SYL) I had other photos with Dev and Gene (along with other stuff) stolen from me so this was a special night for me.
This show was really damn good. Ryan (THANKS FOR THE TIP)is a cool dude Nuff said!!!
Devin thank you for all the music you bring to people here on this forum and around the world!!!
And for more Proof!!!! :D
#231705 by asuss06
Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:04 am
Yes, Scale the Summit were really excellent and i will be looking into more of there music very soon! Devin was amazing!!! ive seen him twice with SYL, but have waited for eternity to see his sole work - and the Dev sure did not disappoint! Every song sounded perfect, note for note and he really looked like he was having a ball up there again after so many years off. I do feel like the crowd was getting into him (as opposed to a few other reviews ive read) and there was even a chanting of his name after he left the stage. if the crowd was a little unsure in the first 2 minutes, they certainly felt his groove soon enough and got into the show.
and gurp13, yes it was Dev's laptop that had the programmed background effects and choruses.
but just like everyone else, i felt pretty cheated to only get 5 or 6 songs and barely 35 minutes out of him. i pray pray pray (and will sacrifice a bald chicken to the God of Townsend) that after his next 2 CD's come out in may, he will do a REAL tour and play atleast 1 1/2 hours or something like that. he's got toooooo much great music in his library to do just 5 songs!!!!!
overall, it was a great honor to see the Dev doing his solo stuff.
i stayed for 1 song from Cynic. i cant get into them. i actually opened up for them in pittsburgh 21 yrs ago when they were an AMAZING technical death kind of band. now, theyre too trippy and meditational for me. boooooring! (sorry to you cynic fans out there)
LONG LIVE THE DEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#231754 by gurp13
Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:23 pm
I concur with asuss here, the crowd definitely got onto the DTP. There was even some moshing during Kingdom IIRC. I wanted to meet the band too but wasn't sure how you go about it. Plus, knowing me I'd stammer something about loving the music and then not know what else to say.
#231765 by chloe
Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:57 pm
ynotgeetar wrote:Image

there's me and my boy back there, lurking, looking creepy

what can i even say. he's 100% better than ever. he sounded amazing. the set was painfully short, but perfect. opening with disruptr? uhhh, that's only my absolute favorite song off of ki. and supercrush happens to be my favorite off of addicted... good god.

devin is easily the nicest, most gracious guy i've ever had the pleasure to meet; i can't even begin.

2010 couldn't get any better than yesterday night.

ETA: ours...
i'm a kid in a candy store, i swear.
#231868 by Sam-I-Am
Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:13 pm
This was the second time we'd seen Dev - the last being our last concert - with Symphony X when Accelerated Evolution had come out. That was BP (before parenthood) and going to a show now means finding someone to watch our daughter. My husband's mom lives about an hour from the HoB in SD so, while the Hollywood show would have been a lot closer, SD was our only real option...and while it would have been nicer to see a longer set, what we were given was worth the ~5 hrs of driving that day. If I had not had to go to work bright and early on Monday morning, I would have been happy to go again to the Sunday show in Hollywood and the Monday show in San Francisco. Ah well.

Standing in line, we intially felt a little on the old side. When the impromptu moshing started to my right, I felt really old. As I said in the original concert thread, though, I had a good spot to see and wasn't giving it up for anyone. Felt a little silly to be pushing people away like pinballs - but hey, they started Dev looked to be thoroughly enjoying the crowd's exuberance, though, and we were a hearty bunch between the cheers, chants and horns. Everyone seemed to be having a great time.

If it hadn't been for the fear of my beloved iPhone being knocked from my hands and crushed on the floor, I might have taken some better shots. The video I got has awful sound thanks to the death grip I had on it - partially covering the mic. If you turn the sound all the way down, though, and just watch Dev's facial expressions, you will get an idea as to how much fun this show was. So, if anyone is interested, I will load it into You Tube. I would bet there are better quality vids being taken on this tour, though!

My husband isn't a metal fan and really doesn't enjoy going to concerts (this was one of my xmas presents) but he also had a great time at the show. He wasn't fussy on Scale the Summit - thought they were trying to get too much accomplished in a single piece of music and liked them better when they stripped it down a bit and "weren't trying to show off to me what great musicians they are". I thought they were pretty good but happen to enjoy noodling of that nature - a la Dream Theater. What sold my dear spouse, though, was the sheer entertainment value of Devin on stage. It was impossible to not have fun watching someone having that much fun performing. I am really looking forward to another chance to see Dev - with hopefully headliner sets! It's so great to see him back out there doing what we all enjoy so much.
#232065 by Xykhoh
Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:48 am
January 16th was probably one of the best days in my entire life.

I was attending the NAMM show and found out that Dev was to be doing a couple of signings at several booths. I first met Dev at the EMG booth and had a very cool conversation. I asked him how he was inspired to write DevLab and a bunch of other material. Then I pulled out the art booklet to the Japan Only "No Sleep Til Bedtime" boxset. I remember him looking at it and saying "Wow! I remember doing these in my basement. That sure was a weird month. . . Drugs Are Bad M'Kay!" Then I saw him at the Peavey booth where his signature guitar was being showcased (the 7-string V). I had played it the day before Dev got there. Soon i realized that it was the 2nd prototype ever made and that I played it before Dev ever touched it, at least that's what the Head of Artist Relations from Peavey told me. So we meet again and he recognized my from the EMG booth and I get one of his 8x10 pictures signed. We talked further about random-happenings. After I was done talking to Dev I noticed Ryan Vanpoederooyen was around the corner of the Peavey booth. I went over to him and he started talking. He then told me that they were playing at the House of Blues in San Diego that night. Then the head of artist relations came over and asked if I wanted passes to the show. Of course I accepted this godlike offer. Half an hour later, I went to the Acoustic Solo Show on the 2nd floor of the Anaheim Convention Center that Dev was performing. Got the whole thing on tape!!! He played amazingly and all of his jokes were hilarious. Hours later, I drove down to San Diego from Anaheim (about an hour and a half (FUCK THE HOV LINE!)) to the House of Blues. Got in there just as Dev started his set. Blasting us with Disruptr! His performance was the best I'd seen (first time seeing him anyway). Dev's vocal performance was unreal, so demonic yet angelic from growls to beltin out operatic lines. Truly a master!
The best day of my life!

Acoustic set list:
So Be It
Hide Nowhere
Lady Helen
Quiet Riot

DTP set list:
By Your Command
#232067 by Biert
Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:00 am
You fucking lucky cunt, I fucking hate you in the most fucking envious of ways. :chain:

Nah no hard feelings, just trying to express that you're a fucking lucky bastard!

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