Hey! You're awake!
#229974 by Aniland
Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:50 pm
Now that the album has been out for a nice enough amount of time for us to know it by heart, I was wondering if anybody had any fond memories to share about the album (or perhaps individual songs from the album).

I bring this thread up because, last night, I had brought my mp3 player and portable speakers to a party out in the woods, and as we were lighting and tending the fire, I put on Addicted and we all listened to the album in full. T'was a gorgeous experience really. I still have no idea how those speakers were able to handle the heavier numbers.
#230002 by Jaymz
Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:11 pm
It's not really a "memory" really but the last time I drove back from Bangor, North Wales (Uni) to my home in Sheffield I stuck Addicted into my CD player, intending to listen to it once then stick something else in (i.e. my compilation of other Devin stuff lol) but I ended up listening to it over and over. It's a three-hour drive and the album's what, 45 minutes? So four times through and I never got bored once. The drive was so much better as well. Magic album.
#230173 by Pik_Nick'92
Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:00 am
If theres anything with that album that got memorable with me is that it only took one listen to drag me in. Usually music like that can take a few listens for me to connect with each instrument and the sound the song ends up with. But I guess the massive industrial-ness, guitar-esque riffs, harmonics, melodies, and of course dev's production style definitely pulled me in. The best part was Anneke's singing, her singing is so soothing.
#230237 by RobD
Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:24 pm
It's the album that I've been able to share with more people than any other. Everyone seems to love it, dance to it or be fascinated by it. I've also found it great for analysing production techniques and using it as examples to some people.

It's an amazingly universal album, which is something I didn't entirely expect from it. :D
#230252 by Matt08642
Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:35 pm
This was the Devin album that I showed to my friend, which got him to listen to the entire discography 8) It's that damn good

Also, the leak came out right before a long train trip I was set to take, so I got to listen to the album in full a few times without any distractions.

Great memories so far :D
#230466 by daneulephus
Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:47 am
Listening to it in bed again the following morning after first hearing it the night before...feeling overwhelmed with emotion when Supercrush started, having a late 90's flashback/cry...
#230500 by Biert
Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:09 pm
twoheadedboy wrote:Watching my girlfriend dance to Hyperdrive in nothing but my Ziltoid t-shirt.

Pics, or it didn't happen ;)
#230611 by Marijn
Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:49 am
When Addicted was released, I just moved out of my parents' house to go to a university.
I now have a fucking crappy room inside a shed. It is cold and boring, because there is nobody around... BUT, I can put my music on as loud as I want!

So, Addicted has been given a very personal feeling. The feeling of freedom, euphoria, setting up a whole new and great life...
#230784 by Bagheera
Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:02 am
Although I live by myself, I don't have any place where I can turn up the volume without disturbing neighbours....well, it could be my car, except for the fact that it only has a shitty FM radio with cassette deck. But then I discovered the sort-of-digital cassette tapes in which you can plug mp3-players. My driving home for Christmas (to my parents) was the first time I used it. The first album I played was Addicted, LOUD for the 1st time...that was definitely one of the finest rides of my life 8)
#230801 by Odexy
Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:36 am
I feel a tad embarrased to admit that I had no idea Addicted had even been released until a few days ago! Me thinking I'm such a Townsend fan here. Tsktsk. Happened to stumble upon Supercrush on youtube while listening to some older stuff during my first class back since xmas vacation. For the greater part I just sort of absent mindedly indulged the song like I usually do when I listen to a song the first time. Then the end came and it took me so far back that I cried 'cause I was so happy. The song just really lifted my usually down spirits. (Chronic depression is a bitch.)

Then yesterday I found out that he was coming to Montreal with Between the Buried and me! Holy crap! EXPLOSIONS were going off in my brain and I had my wallet out ready to order some tickets. I live in New Brunswick and driving all the way to Montreal didn't phase me at all.

Then I saw the date. January 27th! My heart almost literally sunk 'cause I realized my exams start on the 26th through to the 29th. My mind raced to find a way to find a way to take the exams on a later date, but alas... I'm jealous of everyone of you who gets to see that mindfuck of a show.

I realized I babbled on there a bit and went a little off-topic, but eh. Most of the topics here seem dead. D:
#231414 by Liampie
Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:58 pm
I am not emotionally connected with any song off Addicted. Yet.

I think Supercrush!, Ih-Ah! and Awake! could be future 'soundtracks of my life' when I look back after one or two years from now. My life is changing all the time but nothing big has happened yet. I wait.
#231447 by daneulephus
Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:55 am
I can already tell this whole album will bring back memories of going back to school (and working there), rebuilding my life, and trying my hardest to finish the album I have always wanted to make...

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