Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#226467 by Derek
Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:42 pm
Very well put, Dev. Thanks for the reply.

I must admit that sharing your mental journey on Ki and Addicted have caused me to evaluate my own connection with the music that I love, and I certainly look forward to how you "Deconstruct" heavy music.

Thanks again.

#226495 by OceanMachine15
Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:20 am
Personally, with musical tastes changing, I agree they change drastically as years go by. I got out of high school back in 06, and all throughout, I found myself liking heavier and heavier stuff, but once I got out, I began to wanna listen to Enya, Andrea Bocelli, and other artists within that range of music. Now, I see myself exploring Tom Petty, any Pink Floyd besides The Wall (cause that will always be hands down my favorite album), Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, and stuff like that. I suspect next year will probably be the year I return to finding 1950s and 1940s music though. I haven't done that since 08 and I'm feeling the itch to listen to Bobby Darin, Sinatra, and Billie Holiday.
#226501 by Octillus
Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:48 am
The day I really found Tom Petty was a truly glorious day.
#226536 by vt1100
Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:52 am
It' same with me than Derek, as I'm getting older my music taste is getting heavier. Some ten years ago SYL or In Flames... no way man, but now it's different. Still like quiet stuff too and one of my favorite songs ever is The Gathering version of In Power We Trust The Love Advocated (originally performed by Dead Can Dance, Anneke nails that song perfectly and is in fact better than original IMO). Still, you can go very heavy without chaos, take Black Sabbath and their album Mob Rules. There is some definetly heavy songs and same time they manage to sound very calm, wonderful stuff. And don't get me started on Opeth...
#226555 by daneulephus
Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:15 am
The Dev wrote:Stimulus addiction...we're fed it. Catarthis is one thing, and I understand it...but I think it's wise to know what your motivations are, or you run the risk of getting duped. If we're desensitized to subtley, I think true peace (mental) and understanding is forever elusive. The good stuff is the details imo.

I like heavy and chaotic too...and deconstruction examines 'why' ...

why not?

my 00.2

So, when Deconstruction is finished, do you figure you will know your motivations?

I think this is why your music resonates with me so well. You always seem to be trying to understand yourself and the world around you, and it really shows in the depth of it all. Even Addicted. Though the lyrics are vague, nothing stops those melodies from searing into my soul. They will eventually mean something personal to me, representing this particular time in my life (as all your music seems to do). Luckily, my life is flippin' great right now! :D
#226589 by hairbearbunch
Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:37 pm
It has to be articulate (The 'heavy'). I warned you years ago Dev about sustaining an energy. And then you brought out Alien!
Man, holding that vibe show after show, no wonder your in the place you are now. The broader perspective and alternate set lists=Brilliant, RIDE ON.

(Dare I say) Music as representation. Humankind (the beast within) is awakening/(slowly being subjected) to a lot of 'Heavy' information. Fight-Accept. Nup, won't haarp on.
#226659 by ricoetc
Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:38 am
Octillus wrote:The day I really found Tom Petty was a truly glorious day.

Same here man, I remember hearing him and being eh... Then my friend lent me his copy of Into the Great Wide Open and I fell in love with it. It's hard to imagine how taste in music grows into a more broader range when you get older, most likely due to maturity, but still it's amazing how life with music is.
#226662 by Fjar
Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:56 am
I've never thought my music taste changes at all, really. Apart from since I was very little and had S Club 7 and Westlife forced on me.. ahem.
But yeah, even as a kid I had pretty wide-ranging tastes. I'd sit in front of the massive hi-fi with my dad's folk rock LPs, and a pair of headphones too big for my head. I've loved Steeleye Span for ages, Maddy Prior became a sort of hero - I was so pleased to have met her at the show I went to see. :D

But yeah, heavy stuff. I like listening to certain stuff when I'm in a certain mood, I'm sure the same's true for a lot of people here. I tend to fall in love with albums rather than styles. Probably explains why I can't write music for shit.
#226690 by The Oid
Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:17 pm
My music tastes have just split off in seperate directions as I've got older, rather than moving off in any particular direction.
I've gained more of an appreciation for mellow relaxing music, but I generally prefer heavy music, and generally find mellow music taxing to listen to unless I'm in the mood.

My tastes in heavy music have probably got heavier than in my younger days, but spread out amongst more genres. I wouldn't have been caught dead listening to electronic music in my teens, but I love it now. The heavy music I listen to now has to either be over the top heavy (like the electronic side of things), or keep my interest in some way by being complex. Typical death metal just bores me now, not because it's not heavy, but because pretty much all of these bands sound exactly the same. A form of music loses what made it heavy in the first place if it's just identical to what came before it, and the music is pretty straightforward. A bright red object might as well be grey if it's floating in a sea of red.

Something like Messhugah is 100 times more interesting than generic death metal band #234452, as the complexity of the rhythm is much more interesting than just *blast beat*. Also, song lyric ideas like "URRRRRRRR RAPED BY A BUS" just don't cut it any more. Singing about maths or physics, or the nature of the universe can be just as, if not more heavy than "RUUUUR STABBED BY A PICKUP TRUCK WITH A KNIFE ON THE END OF IT RAAAAARRRRRR".

To be honest, I think my brain is just addicted to information. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just down to being an only child, and being used to spending a lot of time with my own thoughts.
#226692 by Robert23
Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:21 pm
The Oid wrote:
To be honest, I think my brain is just addicted to information. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just down to being an only child, and being used to spending a lot of time with my own thoughts.

#226696 by The Oid
Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:32 pm
Robert23 wrote:Infornography?

Hahaha, I've never heard that term before, but yeah that's a very good way of putting it.
#226766 by The Oid
Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:59 am
Robert23 wrote:
The Oid wrote:
Robert23 wrote:Infornography?

Hahaha, I've never heard that term before, but yeah that's a very good way of putting it.


Yeah I looked it up on google to see if it was an existing term or you just made it up on the spot.
#227114 by Nashty333
Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:01 pm
Can't wait to hear Deconstruction! It'll be a while until then, so for everyone that's waiting for it as I am, here's some other bands that I wanted to spread the word on for people to listen to along with Addicted. As I'm even sure Dev would enjoy as well, if he hasn't heard some of these projects before. Here ya go:






#227476 by erxgli
Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:40 pm
Coming out of my lurk to bump this thread. I often find myself coming back here in hopes for an update from Devin.



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