Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#225576 by Hrellir
Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:28 pm
That was awesome, made me think how cool it would be to produce a video of Ziltoid's arrival on earth, people like this living their every day lives when all the tv's and radios would switch over to Ziltoid's first transmission, showing people's reactions and whatnot.

Doing a V thing but a lot funnier...
#225582 by HauntingTheHoly
Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:59 pm
That takfilm page with Ziltoid was bombass, but I think the Decon page just got hijacked for the next 10 pages. Ah well, we've done it before. :P
#225625 by Van Pole
Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:30 pm
the_s_rabbit wrote:lol. That was a awesome. The wallet pic was a nice touch.

Do you think she had an affair with Zilly, during the invasion ?
#225644 by mrbean667
Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:12 pm
That was too awesome to comprehend.
#225984 by mEh!
Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:55 am
maxoulou wrote:2012 The Revenge Of Ziltoid (Destruction of Planet earth)

haha! release it 21/12/2012 just for the fun of it.
#225985 by The Oid
Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:41 am
the_s_rabbit wrote:lol. That was a awesome. The wallet pic was a nice touch.

Yeah, the way the light reflected on the picture was really well done, as opposed to just making it look like it'd been pasted into that part of the video.
#226462 by Derek
Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:17 pm
The Dev wrote:I don't know why making heavy music fucks with me. I really don't. But in honesty, thats the theme of deconstruction.

In terms of honesty as well, I think it's important to figure out what causes you grief, and either overcome it, or abandon it for good.

I'm 37, and there's definitely something to that. When I was 20, it was Godflesh and Napalm Death, now I rarely listen to any of it. The last heavy records I bought were Obzen and the new Gojira...and (blasphemy) I didn't finish listening to either.

They're both great though, don't get me wrong...but tastes change. I think I'm in a mode where what I like about heavy music is not necessarily the metal elements. I'm using deconstruction as an exercise in extracting what still appeals to me about the genre for my future stuff.

the whole dtp is not a defining musical direction for me. Just a bunch of observations.

There's a bunch of conclusions I've drawn from it, but it's best summarized by getting older, and changing of tastes.

...that said, decon is pretty metal in parts.

I just keep doing what I do. Cheers for the attention.

You raise some very interesting points about heavy music and the idea that tastes change as we get older. I personally like to equate heavy music to eating spicy food, the more I have...the spicier I want it. I started listening to AC/DC when I was about 10 years old; Metallica at about 12. I'm almost 35 now, and my tastes have changed as well...I listen to Emperor, Behemoth, Meshuggah, etc. I'm finding that as I get older, the music needs to get MORE intense and MORE complex. It's like eating hot wings at a local restaurant for years, gradually working your way up to "Fire"...can one truly go back to enjoying plain old tomato sauce at that point? I mean, of course, unless I started developing ulcers...I'd probably continue until I just physically couldn't anymore. Just my $0.02 worth. :D
#226466 by The Dev
Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:35 pm
Stimulus addiction...we're fed it. Catarthis is one thing, and I understand it...but I think it's wise to know what your motivations are, or you run the risk of getting duped. If we're desensitized to subtley, I think true peace (mental) and understanding is forever elusive. The good stuff is the details imo.

I like heavy and chaotic too...and deconstruction examines 'why' ...

why not?

my 00.2

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