Hrellir wrote:I think a lot of people are hoping one of those four will be Gene, of only for a small cameo.
Here here!
Hrellir wrote:I think a lot of people are hoping one of those four will be Gene, of only for a small cameo.
Shub wrote:Namaste is one of my favourite songs ever... It might just be cause it's called Namaste though, I love the expression!
And don't joke about the power of the didge! My cousin plays one and it's an awesome sound! Many a night has seen me and him getting baked and jamming with the dig, keyboard and drumsticks in a garage! Haha!
The Dev wrote:Add tons of kazoo.
..and use less vowels probably
The Dev wrote:The production and mix.
...same with the self titled syl.
A mix doesn't need to be 'the best sounds' for me to just has to translate the right emotions. A great mix for me is more about relative levels than sounds. If someone who isn't on the same wavelength as the material mixes it, most of the time, the subtleties get lost.
With Physicist, I was in a pretty grim place emotionally, and I didn't have the energy to make the production what I wanted. Planet Rain isn't bad, and some of the others are ok, but I think there's some great songs on there that didn't come across right because of these factors.
For example, I think 'The Complex' was a good song but the tempo is like 6 bpm too fast in hindsight.
I think Phys was about 70% right for my internal checklist.
I'll redo the key songs eventually.
The Dev wrote:Solid point. Thanks dude.
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