Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#203243 by The Dev
Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:56 am
That sounds amazing!

I'm recording a guitar solo on a summer day...all things considered, life is good!
#203244 by Wander
Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:06 pm
mEh! wrote:I know you guys give a shit. But im having the happiest time of my life right now. I just gotta share this to get my brain working normaly :shock: Im sitting on a meadown with my laptop and there is the most beautiful sunset ever. I just got my high school results, and i got a place in my 1:st choise of school with a chance of 15% to get in. (Studio production and musician). 10 years of work to get to this point. And i just got contact with my best friend i lost contact with 2 years ago. And im listening to Terminal =)
Again sorry :offtopic: I just gotta share this moment with people so i wont forget it :) life is beautiful :sad:

Good for you dude. :drink:

Life is good for me at this moment as well. It's funny how sometimes thing change in a couple of days.
#203254 by GuyOne
Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:52 pm
Well I guess when there is a lack of information this thread is bound to go into off-topic discussions.

I just painted a layer of primer to my unfinished basement. Friday I will paint the waterproof seal and then a few days after that we can start renovating it into a real living space! Now that is exciting for us!!
#203264 by daneulephus
Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:49 pm
mEh! wrote:I know you guys give a shit. But im having the happiest time of my life right now. I just gotta share this to get my brain working normaly :shock: Im sitting on a meadown with my laptop and there is the most beautiful sunset ever. I just got my high school results, and i got a place in my 1:st choise of school with a chance of 15% to get in. (Studio production and musician). 10 years of work to get to this point. And i just got contact with my best friend i lost contact with 2 years ago. And im listening to Terminal =)
Again sorry :offtopic: I just gotta share this moment with people so i wont forget it :) life is beautiful :sad:

Hey, I give a shit! I would much rather read about you having a day like that than read 10 pages worth of arguments....good for you. :D
#203283 by Devymetalnut
Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:44 pm
Same man, lifes a bit dodgy for me at the mo but reading stuff like that is really cool, keep up the positive attitude!
#203290 by JuZ
Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:52 pm
That's awesome man, life can be a beautiful thing!

I'm super happy right now too as I'm finally checking out Manhattan after wanting to see the place for decades (well, nearly 3 anyway). These hotdogs are playing havoc with my waistline, even though they're not as tasty as Chicago dogs.

Devin, looking forward to hearing your use of a gospel choir. I imagine applying that sort of depth and range of sound and emotion to "heavy" music would be a pretty exciting experience. Is this something you've had in mind for a while?

The way you layered and textured vocals on past albums (fuck it's hard to talk about music without sounding pretentious!) suggested you had choir-esque ideas, so I'm glad you're managing to tee it up!

We're going to be hitting up Broadway this week, so you better have a musical up and running when we're next in New York!
#203346 by GuyOne
Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:39 am
real choir or that EastWest Quantum Leap stuff that plagues the "underground" scenes?
#203350 by FUBAR
Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:05 am
Tell us more about the choir Dev!
#203353 by AxxionJackson
Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:33 am
FUBAR wrote:Tell us more about the choir Dev!

Yes, Speak of the Choir Mr.Townsend!
#203392 by HevyMinik
Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:58 am
What about Morten Loewe Sørensen? He plays drums for Danish bands like Submission and The Arcane Order and a couple orders.
He's really talented!
#203401 by kayman121
Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:30 am
Inferno from Behemoth...

and Kai Hahto from Wintersun..

that'd be SOOOOOOOOO sick
#203403 by Biert
Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:49 am
kayman121 wrote:Inferno from Behemoth...

Oooh fuck, yes!
#203410 by mEh!
Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:00 am
I expected no positive replies. I'm glad to see that folks are positive :D
#203445 by pitacle
Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:36 pm
When I learned that Devin was searching for a tight progressive drummer who is able to play brutal beats, fast kick and tight and complexe rythmics, I automately think of Patrice Hamelin from Martyr.

You can see him playing a song from Martyr :


Honestly, I think it could perfectly matches with Devin's style.

What do you think of this suggestion ?

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