Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#203178 by The Dev
Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:42 pm
Oh yeah, I'm pretty much setting up to explain myself till the end of these 4. No stones left unturned.
#203179 by Amber
Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:49 pm
Wow, that's... hefty! Awesome though.

I guess though, through the interesting musical career you've beene though, the change in direction, (In a sense) Does need clarity to it.

Although, leaving everyone in the dark could provoke interesting responses. :P
#203180 by The Dev
Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:12 pm
Yeah I guess, but it also leads people to make assumptions on me and my process based on their interpretations, which can be MORE work in the long run.
#203200 by JarHead413
Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:36 am
TheOmniscient wrote:As annoying as it must be. I like guessing. Terry Bozzio?

'Personally, I think he would be fantastic.
#203204 by pevadi88
Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:27 am
The Dev wrote:Gospel choir on decon. No feature female vox I don't think.

That's an awesome idea, will the choir have a very prominent role on the album?
#203205 by FUBAR
Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:54 am
The Dev wrote:Gospel choir on decon. No feature female vox I don't think.

You got the choir!? a real choir!? man, that would blow my mind, it would work so well with your music.
#203206 by hakmed
Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:40 am
as long as you aren't 'scaring' a choir of children (again) :)
#203208 by pfefferbrot
Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:02 am
The Dev wrote:Yeah, Fred's playing drums on his solo record.

What the fuck! A second Special Defects album??
#203217 by Carpathian Psychonaut
Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:27 am
Have been reading through this thread and I'm quite pleased that it looks like it'll be heavy but not just the obvious heavy. There's many ways to make something hit you between the eyes and cause your brain to seize up. I've got stuff from people like Einstuzende Neubauten, Meshuggah, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Ben Frost and even things like the electronica of the Raster Noton label that will stop a charging rhino at 30 paces but all in completely different ways. Parts of SYL had honed the 'set phasers to RAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH' technique so a different angle on this is just about the best thing to hope for.

Glad to see you're doing the best thing for each part of the project as you see it, Devin. It truly looks to be paying off and you're going to end up with four killer releases to make up the finished run.
#203219 by maxoulou
Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:06 am
Magnus Öström is an excellent experimental jazz drummers... Excuse me Devin but the deconstruction album have a real full orchestra (like therion, rhapsody...) or samples of an orchestra (the beggining albums of rhapsody...? Thank's for all and for your inspiration.
#203221 by daneulephus
Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:29 am
TheOmniscient wrote:As annoying as it must be. I like guessing. Terry Bozzio?

I think you are onto something here.
#203224 by aja
Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:07 am
The Dev wrote:Gospel choir on decon. No feature female vox I don't think.

oh yeah ! A gospel choir like in "The man in the mirror" ?
uh ? well anyway, nobody seems to care...
#203240 by mEh!
Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:43 am
I know you guys give a shit. But im having the happiest time of my life right now. I just gotta share this to get my brain working normaly :shock: Im sitting on a meadown with my laptop and there is the most beautiful sunset ever. I just got my high school results, and i got a place in my 1:st choise of school with a chance of 15% to get in. (Studio production and musician). 10 years of work to get to this point. And i just got contact with my best friend i lost contact with 2 years ago. And im listening to Terminal =)
Again sorry :offtopic: I just gotta share this moment with people so i wont forget it :) life is beautiful :sad:

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