Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#203026 by Guitarzan
Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:58 am
GuyOne wrote:
purplemittens wrote:Slight change of discussion, but I wonder if Dev has/is considering utilizing the talents of mr Jason Newstead for bass duties on decon? Since he was due to play on fizzy back in the day before other commitments got in the way (metallica). Now that this is no longer an obstacle perhaps he would be a good fit? Also think lopez would be ideal for drums as his versatility and personallity shines through..

That would be very nice for them to get back together and finally record without anyone else in the way. What else is Jason doing now that Voivod is wrapped up?

That would be quite awesome.
#203029 by AccEvolution
Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:23 am
I can't wait to hear who Dev has decided upon (and if he's available.)

I must say though, that I'd poop 40 shades of pink of Sean Reinert or Mario Duplantier played on a Dev album.

EDIT: Or Dev could pretend to be Scandinavian and just have Dan Swano play everything on the record! :lol:
#203031 by Wander
Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:35 am
Dan Swanö is pretty damn good drummer btw (among other things)...

But regarding Devin's choice, I'm sure he knows best who is the right guy for the album, so the choice can hardly be disappointing. It's gonna be someone great in any case.
#203032 by AccEvolution
Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:41 am
Oh yeah, I have nothing but respect for the man and love most of the things he's been a part of. Diabolical Masquerade's album Death's Design is one of my favorites.
#203051 by Lettuce
Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:17 pm
The Dev wrote:Ok, question:

Who (other than Gene) are your favorite drummers?

Bit late answering this as it's several pages back, but I always thought Dan Foord to be one of the best. I'm certain a lot of people on here are familiar with his work in SikTh, he's a very technical drummer, everything sounds very mechanical and clockworky when he plays, as opposed to heavy and hard, bit like a robot! I'd personally like to have a wee bit of Foord in some Devy work somewhere...I'll give him a ham sandwich and a juicebox then send him to Canada!

For you guys unfamiliar with SikTh, this song is a good example of Foord's drumming, although they're missing their weird trampy vocalist in this song so they sound a bit emo...but they were not I assure you-


And to keep on subject, you thought maybe having all the slipcases the same style but different colours? Or do you have something else in mind?
#203060 by The Dev
Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:01 pm
And to keep on subject, you thought maybe having all the slipcases the same style but different colours? Or do you have something else in mind?

Nope, thats the plan...
#203069 by Leechmaster
Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:18 pm
Will the CDs come with slipcases in the boxset, do you know? I was gonna just buy Ki from InsideOut cos my preorder HDR one didn't come with a slipcase but it'd be nice to not have to buy the CDs three times each! Alas I am not so wealthy as to be doing that... Or maybe when all the albums are released it'd be possible to send you money directly and you post the 4 slipcases or something?
#203070 by The Dev
Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:36 pm
If Inside Out chooses to do slipcases, thats totally their call, they've done slipcases and special editions for almost all the releases, we never do, it's cost prohibitive. We like to be able to sell cds for around $10, to do slipcases in Canada raises our costs and the prices significantly.

We just do what we can afford...thanks for the support!
#203076 by MeOpsis
Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:56 pm
woohoo cheapness! I don't care if the cd's come covered in shit, I be buying them.
#203078 by aja
Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:38 pm
OK, don't know if this will hep or not.

if you are looking for the tighest drummer, here is my favorite:


Simple but tight!
I love his snare sound, and the way he attack any cymbal.

He has never done a metal album yet, but sure he can .
You can contact him on his official wesbsite.
#203080 by aja
Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:44 pm
Here is another drummer that i call "tight" as well, NOT metal at all, but why not ? if you are looking for something fun and different:

Aaron Spears

it's was they called gospel drumming.
#203087 by Lost Soul
Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:37 am
Lost Soul wrote:
The Dev wrote:Who do you suggest? Who interests you? (besides Gene)

Sean Reinert (Cynic, Portal, Death and Aeon Spoke) http://www.myspace.com/cyniconline
James Staffel (Yakuza) http://www.myspace.com/yakuza
Tim Otis (Admiral Browning) http://www.myspace.com/admiralbrowning
Jamie Saint Merat (Ulcerate) http://www.myspace.com/ulcerate

Townsend/Reinert = a dream that i have made several years ago. :mrgreen:

I add to my list a young drummer whom I appreciate particularly:

Pat Skeffington (Scale The Summit) http://www.myspace.com/scalethesummit

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