Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#202824 by CyclopZ
Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:42 am
rgx612a wrote:He writes the stuff

I know that. But SYL mentioned heavy stuff by itself. Devin's solo project - something calmer and more melodic.
I just wait and think that Deconstruction would be heavy and awesome.
#202825 by mineralinsulated
Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:45 am
The Dev wrote:The band means lots to some folks though, and I've done 200 interviews trying to explain myself clearly...and at the end of a 5 minute explanation, the next question is usually: 'So when can we expect a reunion?'...
SYL was an amazing band, I love the guys, I'm proud of what we did, and I will be talking about it and answering the same questions for the rest of my career, ultimately...I guess that will decide how long the career lasts. I'm still on the fence as to weather the music world will welcome me as anything but that character...it was a great charcter. And if it doesn't, I'm cool with that as well.

So to the syl fans, I love you, I love syl, deconstruction is for you....(and me).

You really dont have to explain yourself that much to your listeners. You shouldnt feel that you have to justify the new music you're making because its not Strapping. Its not like you're confiscating and burning those albums, re writing history, they still exist, they still play, and they're still part of our lives. Not to mention that there are still countless people yet to discover it, lucky buggers.
If people are bummed out that SYL aint around anymore thats understandable to a point, but it can't be to the same level of 'bummed outness', like when you think about Jeff Buckley, his early demise, that one perfect album (i don't really count the other one) and how much more music he could've made had he not gone swimming that one time...
Jeff Buckley and Strapping, chalk and cheese yes, the point though is that Devin and co went and made those SYL records over that period of time and we still have all those albums, from start to finish, a complete set. Not like poor old Jeff and his devoted listeners..
So SYL arent going to release anymore music, no worries, its clear, that band has said all its going to say. However, Devy still has plenty to say.
I don't see the need for him to constantly explain and almost apologise that SYL's story has been told and is done. We're talking about music here, not sport, SYL are'nt a football team you barrack for, oblivious to all else.
I can't wait for more stuff from Devin and whoever he collaborates with and what ever name he plays under.
Shakespeare i think was reffering directly to dev when he wrote: What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet...
#202831 by hevysyl_rob
Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:48 am
The Dev wrote: syl would of destroyed me if it could of, there are people who were absolutely fine with that as long as they get what they want

That upsets me that there are apperant fans of Dev that would gladly have syl of emotionlly dmanged him forever as long as they got more syl music?

even byron said that is syl was damaging him, mentally and pyhsically then fuck syl, its about the people involved
why sarcriface them for somthing that can be done in a more sutible manner
like with deconstruction

i would rather dev spend the rest of his career writting stuff i didnt like, if it makes him happy, because i care for him on a personal level, i may of never met him but he has done so much for me, i feel there is still a conection there.

and it really annoys and upsets me when i read that certain fans seem so ignorant when it comes to devins well being all for the sake of heavy music.
#202834 by The Dev
Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:13 am
Yup, some fair questions,

dtb never achieved any real success, and honestly...we did 3 or 4 tours in total, so there wasn't any real pressure or baggage.

using the dtb guys doesn't really result in people thinking there's going to be a reunion of any sort, as it was known that dtb is more based around 'me' anyways. Although syl was as well (in many respects), it eventually became the product of all of us, and by using anybody in syl, it may get peoples hopes up and take away from what I'm trying to do.

And again, for those who 'insist' that Gene plays on this record, I say again: I want to try a new flavor of drummer for this album. In all honesty, the parts are not as much written with his style in mind as much as the older (syl) type material. Yes, Gene is an incredible drummer and theres no doubt he could play this, it's just that I need to make a distinction between what I do in a heavy context now, and before.

Please understand as well, that although Deconstruction is a very heavy record it is NOT an syl record by any stretch of the imagination. As I have said before, I don't write that music anymore, I tapped the vein. If I try and write it, I get bored. It ends up sounding desperate. the previously discussed lack of passion that almost (almost) made TNB a failure is all but gone for that particular style. In terms of a 'swansong' , please listen to the lyrics of 'Almost Again', in fact the whole of TNB, and the remaining passion that it DID have (which it does imo) is based around the theme of the band itself, and how the irony almost turned on me (us).

And yes, the fact that people would have musicians destroy themselves so they can still have the crazy music is one of the central themes of 'deconstruction' What does that say about heavy music? What does that say about the PASSION of heavy music? What does that say about people who DO continue when it's unhealthy? What does that say about our need for chaos vs. martyrdom?
#202836 by TheOmniscient
Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:19 am
This drummer would suite what I am expecting of this album down to a T. I saw him supporting the legendary Steve Smith at a drum clinic and his playing + views would 100% fit in with Devs music+he's a hellova nice guy! So much talent.

My post is the meat in a Devy cheese burger!!!
Last edited by TheOmniscient on Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
#202837 by The Dev
Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:22 am
Also, why do I feel the need to explain?

I have MANY people in my life that say 'If I were you dev, I would tell everyone who asks you about that shit to FUCK OFF, you don't owe anyone a goddamm explanation'

My thought is that it is important for the audience to know why I am doing it, (whether or not they will ever understand) it is part of the deconstruction theme in all honesty, and plays into the concept (the explaining etc...) It helps me understand as well.

Again, there is coming a time, soon, where I will NOT explain this stuff anymore, but 'Deconstruction' (even by the name) is about taking it apart and putting it back together again.

I know there are folks that view my need to 'justify' as an extention of some deep rooted insecurity, and in the immediate sense, it most certainly is...but know that when it comes to MUSIC, I am a different beast. As a human and a dude, yeah...I'm insecure like the rest of us, and public analysis definitely magnifies that, but the one area of my life that I am TRULY confident is with the music.

And I'll say this again, DECONSTRUCTION is the theme of Deconstruction.
#202838 by Phase
Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:31 am
Becuase, like so many people, you want people to understand, even if it maddenly hard to make anyone understand that you don't have to play the old to make the new.
#202839 by The Dev
Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:44 am
Yes, and I DO NOT want to come off as disrespectful to Gene. How could I say anything more about him?

He has a grace and a power to his playing that I have never encountered before, a circular and punishing attack.

My evaluation of a drummer is usually in the way his stick sounds when he connects to the snare. The personality is in the sound of the snare. Gavin Harrison to Flo Mounier, you can HEAR the person in the snare.

There's some incredible drummers in Australia, to be sure...some real monsters.

The thing is, I'm not trying to REPLACE Gene, You can't...it doesn't make logical sense. When I jam with Gene though, if we start with something quiet and mellow, 99% of the time, it morphs into something brutal, and usually pummeling. That's been the nature of our musical collaboration. We just always seemed to fall into Mach 10. Infinity and Terria were fun, but Deconstruction is actually a little more 'angular' than what I have done with syl, and I am looking for a drummer that is a little different.

I don't want to get a drummer who is just an imitation of Gene. That would make Deconstruction just a imitation of syl.
#202840 by CyclopZ
Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:55 am
The Dev wrote:I don't want to get a drummer who is just an imitation of Gene. That would make Deconstruction just a imitation of syl.

Indeed. As for me, I don't need new SYL stuff if YOU don't need it. I understand, that it is a past and there is no need. I can't imagine how you did not become crazy about this questions about SYL, Gene etc.
Sorry for my English. :oops:
#202841 by stratman687
Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:56 am
people should study up on devs posts and interviews and such before they start asking him hundreds of questions he's already answered.....

for god's sakes just let the man do his own thing.....he might appreciate a few suggestions for brainstorming, but saying "WE WANT GENE" or "WE WANT TOMAS HAAKE" is a little too damn pretentious to say to Devin, or any artist for that matter.
#202842 by The Dev
Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:58 am
Ok, question:

Who (other than Gene) are your favorite drummers?
#202843 by Reion
Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:00 am
Kai Hahto!
#202844 by HauntingTheHoly
Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:01 am
All of this is easy to understand for me. I'm on the same page as GuyOne (page 4) when he said right from the get go he never expected anyone from SYL on this project for plainly obvious reasons. That said, it's fun for me to read Devin deconstruct everything. :)

As for the drummer being defined by his "Stick-hitting-the-snare" - I totally agree! I've always felt I can feel a drummers personality in that same way. Case in point would be this Jazz drummer on Ki! (I know his name, but it escapes me, I'm on a coffee buzz right now...sorry) When the snare hits on "Heaven's End" you can feel his essence in the music.
#202845 by mineralinsulated
Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:04 am
The Dev wrote:
I know there are folks that view my need to 'justify' as an extention of some deep rooted insecurity, and in the immediate sense, it most certainly is...but know that when it comes to MUSIC, I am a different beast.

The audience never asked for you to deliver what you did in the first place, the fact that it was awesome and we loved it doesnt mean that we now dictate what you produce in the future. I just think that that is a given and as considerate and interesting as it is, you should'nt have to explain. Man, like most folks, i listen to heaps of stuff, but yours is special to me, Thanks
#202846 by HauntingTheHoly
Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:04 am
The Dev wrote:Ok, question:

Who (other than Gene) are your favorite drummers?

How pissed are you gonna be if I say Mike Portnoy? :shock:

I remember that vid you posted recently where you're mocking progressive drummers...was funny as fuck. Hehehe.

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