Just figured out Quiet Riot. Will tab that now. I suppose I'm trying to delay posting the arpeggios for Ki lol It's hard to distinguish those deeper notes right. Anyways, my Demon League tab is one page back (4) in case this gets stuck on the next page.
http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=152658690592 - Fan based Facebook Group on Dev and DTP
I gauruntee I will buy this one. I torrent pretty much anything before I buy it as a sort of extended demo, and if there is anything I should later buy it's this.
Gato is the best!!
(surely this doesn't care to you) here (in my country) the album can't be bought , so week or not, i sadly got to download it
(surely this doesn't care to you) here (in my country) the album can't be bought , so week or not, i sadly got to download it
Sing and rejoice
Damn it that sucks! It doesn't even come out until summer! I've gonna have to abstain on this one. Fight the good fight! Wait it out!!
di_fowler wrote:HDR should definitely do what Trent Reznor is doing with NIN releases. Devin Townsend is one of those fellas whose fans would pay for his stuff. You know, 5 dollars for a direct download, 15 for the album in its physical form AND the download or 100 for a signed copy with some dirty pictures. Or something.
I'm acquiring it the noo, but I'll be buying it.
No, HDR should do what Tool did and release a bunch of fake versions of Ki labeled as Ki.
What word describes the practice of being married to only one woman at a time? Mono-something... Ah! Monotony!
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:I keep having weird James LaBrie dreams
who's the female vocalist throughout the album?
I can't recall her name but I think it might be the same one who did the female vocals for Gunslinger off of the Avenged Sevenfold album. Sounds a lot like her anyways.
I'm still pretty sure it's Duris.
I particularily want a tab of Heaven Send and the riff from Coast, but I shall content myself with learning Demon League for now, being too lazy to figure it out myself.
Edit: Demon League took exactly zero seconds learn how to play, I just played it perfectly in one try, now I'm bored again.
Edit: Demon League took exactly zero seconds learn how to play, I just played it perfectly in one try, now I'm bored again.
ScottMcTony wrote:I particularily want a tab of Heaven Send and the riff from Coast, but I shall content myself with learning Demon League for now, being too lazy to figure it out myself.
Edit: Demon League took exactly zero seconds learn how to play, I just played it perfectly in one try, now I'm bored again.
Yeah, all the songs on the album are pretty easy to play. If I had to give a guesstimate, I've probably got about 20% of the album tabbed already. However, that doesn't change the fact that it's a very beautiful record.
when it comes to music, simplicity is often most effective.
Not necessarily. I find that it's pretty much neutral. If getting it as close as you can to how it sounds in your head requires something with ridiculous technical skill, then it's great to have. It's also great to have from a composing standpoint if you compose in a sort of improvising around an idea then refining it and so on sort of way. So my stand on simplicity if you have the ability to go nuts is that, if it sounds closest to what's in your head in some easy way, then I respect someone who doesn't have to make everything unneededly difficult. Devin Townsend is a great example of this, able to play things like Wrong Side and the solo in Suicide, but willing to play things like Demon League if that really is the best way to go.
Although, seeing as I suck, the appreggio's in Ki or the riff in The Coast would be a bit challenging, which is nice.
Although, seeing as I suck, the appreggio's in Ki or the riff in The Coast would be a bit challenging, which is nice.
Like a beautiful memory I've never remembered.
I still want my name down for Pre-Orders.
I still want my name down for Pre-Orders.
whats the quality like on the promo??
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