Hell yeah, you fucking suck!
#187739 by strapping_young_lad
Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:05 am
female voice that goes....almost again....almost again...almost again i have....(well, you know what happens next:). whose voice is that?
#189670 by Blazingmonga
Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:38 pm
From memory it is Deborah Tyzio.

She did have a website and some of her own music online somewhere, but I canny find it at the moment.
#193281 by Matt08642
Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:27 pm
Blazingmonga wrote:From memory it is Deborah Tyzio.

She did have a website and some of her own music online somewhere, but I canny find it at the moment.


EDIT: I sent her a message on MySpace, and normally she replies very quickly, so we'll know soon :)
#197479 by Matt08642
Sat May 09, 2009 5:31 pm
Here's her response:

"So yeah, I'm pretty sure I did sing on this track. You never know what tracks they're gonna use after you've sung them. I think Marnie Mains is also singing along in there somewhere....

Have a good one!

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