#175885 by ZiniN
Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:32 pm
Yeah, you've got it right. All the strings would be tuned 5 notes apart, which is why you can get the same note so many times on a guitar.

On his seven string, The Great Dev man himself tunes all in 5ths, except for the last string, which is tuned forthly, making it the only odd string.

For comparison, a violin is tuned in forths, and a piano is tuned Relatively in chromatics. Or maybe I'm retarded.
#175908 by soundsofentropy
Sat Oct 25, 2008 12:12 pm
Well, technically when guitarists say that their guitars are tuned in fifths, they're using a sort of shorthand for the way it's really tuned. For something to be tuned in fifths, it has to be tuned so that there are five whole steps (not five frets) in between each string. In other words, something tuned in fifths, such as a cello, would be tuned to C-G-D-A.

So, speaking in rigorous theory, the open-C tuning that Dev uses (C-G-C-G-C-E for 6-strings and G-C-G-C-G-C-E for 7-strings) is not actually in 5ths, but in a fifth, a fourth, a fifth, a fourth, and a major third. You can see why guitarists find it easier just to say that it's "in fifths," since it's got quite a few more fifths than standard tuning (which is all fourths except for the major third between G and B). Hope this clears things up.

PS: Playing "in fifths" (I mean open-C) is quite a bit of fun. I like to play around with that tuning a lot--it's good for writing.
#175962 by day old male
Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:35 pm
Haha! Thanks guys. I looked back at my question on this thread and realised I wrote it in June last year! LOL. It's as if time stopped for 16 months between responses on this thread! Better late than never though. Much appreciated info guys, that definitely helps :)
#176198 by ZiniN
Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:25 pm
Yeah I prefer to just tune my guitar so pentatonic major positions are four notes apart. Yay diminished!

Edit-And yeah I meant to say chromatic notes, I'm a loser, thank's for clearing it up.

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