All hail Ziltoid!

#153788 by Archetype
Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:20 am
It reminds me a lot more of the good old Ocean Machine days. As soon as the first guitar note is played, it reminds me of Ocean Machine. Probably because of the background feedback and the drumming.

#155922 by Révolènarkayn
Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:00 am
Does anyone follow me if I say that when I hear "the greys" I feel like hearing sonorities near to the refrain from the song "retrovertigo" of Mr Bungle (album california - track3)??

Yeak.Ziltoid makes me good

#160739 by Sacro
Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:43 am

A few days ago, I had this sudden revelation where I interpreted the lyrics as someone else talking to Devin, after he's had a tantrum or something similar. The Greys refer to "weird aliens" taking control of him inside his head, meaning he's not really being himself.

"And the words, they get so loud" sounds very literal to me. The booklet says "the world", but it's full of errors anyway.
#166617 by Matt Nevens
Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:44 pm
I always think about the greys when im working hauling bucket loads of crap around, helps me get through the day!!

It wasnt my fave track on ziltoid but it does have a haunting feel to it, very much like hyperdrive
#167521 by flaqueza
Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:01 pm
Anyone remember in Voices in the Fan? - How he says "It's the grey days that I'll remember the most"...

And in Color Your World (which precedes The Greys), he makes a reference to the first verse of Voices in the Fan ("Who's the weakest now?..") Then the Greys talks about the greys flooding our memories. Seems to be some parallelism to me, although I'm not 100% certain what all this implies.

But my interpretation of the greys is the feeling you sometimes get on a rainy day, when it's literally gray outside. And at the same time, there's this feeling of deep peace. It's not black or white, hot or cold, positive or's just grey.


#169018 by Synchestrated Triumph
Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:09 pm
Lolliklauer wrote:
The Dev wrote:Colors relate to numbers relate to SOUND
...relates to FORM relate to WAR relate to SEX
relates to HEALING
Relates to ALL GOD VI-BRA-TION!!!!

I read in an interview with german Rock Hard magazine that Devin is a synaesthesist (for him music, numbers, nearly everything feels like colors). So maybe "grey" has some meanings to him which we can´t understand.

Or i could just fuck off.

I do the same's like when I heard slave labor from ff I almost immediately thought it sounds like the color "yellow" and archetype remix was a neon blue sound. heh it's odd but thats what I thought when I listened to it. but the grey something or other to me sounds like "gray area" the gray meaning the things that are unknown, unexplored, hidden, or blocked out I guess you can say. those are my two cents USD, one cent canadian and five british ounces or pounds (I'm sorry I'm completely ignorant when it comes to anything euro)
#169489 by hairbearbunch
Sat May 10, 2008 4:33 pm
When all is not Black or White = Grey? The grey area.
Many references to Grey in Dev's songs, Grey hound, grey line = tour buses where much contemplating gets done, alien greys like his tattoo, (how cool is his cat tatt.). Grey, reference to mood. :sad:
#171115 by TheOmniscient
Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:38 pm
The end isn't anti climactic at all. It's hilarious and deep at the same time. Ziltoid is pissed when he realises he's a puppet and shizzle because of how meaningless his life is compared to when he thought he was the shizznizzle. Imagine how depressed he'd be finding out he's just a weird alien dudet in a day dream. Even worse is that the guy having the daydream is just some character in some guys album. So basically Ziltoid is just a puppet in a daydream of some guy Dev thought up.

Ha! One of the many things that Ziltoid and I have in common is the fact that we're both uber nerds.
#171520 by Haroski
Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:34 am
I'm going to make myself a complete idiot, but this is what I thought while resting on the gym's floor and listening to The Greys.. I can't find a correct lyric from this, every single I found is far from exact :D example is the one who put the lyrics to darklyrics listening even the same version as I'm :D or is he from Kazakstan? no-one knows. errorerror

The creator sings that we are all puppets, even he is a puppet. (everyone has already understood this :D but..)

"You give me all your heart, you give all your heart for me, it's the greys again I know"
If the greys control us, every single romance would be part of their game on us. And then comes the "even when they start to tier you apart" (ok I believe the booklet in this.. but it's still lying on the gyms floor so I try to remember and listen!) and then the greys are again playing on us and tiering us from our loved ones, and whoever sings this in ZTO (creator or ziltoid.. must be creator) knows it. I tried to listen Voices in the fan and The greys together, but I can't find the same feeling between the grey days and the greys.. So the greys could really be aliens or someone daydreaming :D

In Color your world Ziltoid sings "you and I are free to love.. plaaplaa" but in the greys the creator tells him "NO YOU AREN'T"

Just part of my incorrect thoughts :D
#175224 by Lawrence
Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:45 am
I think that when he is saying we are all puppets etc he is talking about musicians being puppets of the music industry
#176004 by Ambivalent
Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:57 pm
I always thought it was ironic that while the coffee guy is daydreaming about puppets, he comes to to his boss on his ass making him work. So even though in his fantasy his characters end up being literal puppets and figurative puppets of his imagination, the guy himself if a puppet to his boss and customers, yet he seems not to notice. The first time I heard The Greys and Tall Latte I started thinking about the ways that people are forced in a certain direction without thinking about why, or who/what made it that way.

The pun from "Color Your World" to "The Greys" is great, and Greys being aliens could be an allusion to Alien as well, to what point it's anyones guess haha.

The more I think about those three songs the more things I figure they could be hinting at. That's what I love about all Devin's music, lyrics ambiguous enough to provoke deep thought and music that puts me in the mood to think deep.
#176043 by hairbearbunch
Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:55 pm
"You're a puppet!
You are a puppet!
I am a puppet!

"You say you wanna know?" "Are you sure you wanna know?"

I wonder if the grey he's thinking of in the last Ziltoid lines "And the greys flood our memories in the long haul", is the kind of grey you get when you mix all the colours together?
#182873 by TheDrummingAss
Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:50 am
I heard from somewhere that Devin made the Ziltoid album concept as a parody of himself. Nearing the current timezone of his career, he made a family and decided to move - The Greys may have been a sense of nostalgia, that he's moving away from all of these memories and leaving them behind in his old house...that he's moving on.

"And the Greys float our memories in the long haul" - the long haul possibly being moving to a new house with a family. Another justifiable point is that 'The Greys' is at the end of the album (where Ziltoid has these realisations about reality)...and that 'Tall Latte' means that whatever he's going to do, people are still wanting him to provide a service afterwards.

Well, that's what it looked like to me anyway.
#185019 by ScottMcTony
Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:45 pm
It struck me as meaning the higher up aliens idea in the context of that moment, but also an allusion to the ending, (I also feel the reuse of the line from Wrong Side is a bit of an allusion) meaning essentially the same thing, only instead of "the greys", it's simply some regular guys imagination.
#185045 by FFLinchpin
Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:43 pm
Synchestrated Triumph wrote:it's like when I heard slave labor from ff I almost immediately thought it sounds like the color "yellow" and archetype remix was a neon blue sound.

Heh, kinda funny but both those songs for me are red. However, the Archetype remix does have some blues and greens. Yes im a synesthete, everyone here knows that by now.

But back to The greys, some interesting theories you guys got as to the meaning. i love how it ends as the guy just daydreaming the whole thing in a coffee shop :lol:

Despite the title, this song is red orange for me :P

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