#139538 by Chris
Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:17 am
Since Dev informed us quite a lot about Ziltoid on the forums during the last days and weeks (don't worry Biert, you're still our post-whore numero uno), I have the hope that I could get an answer here.

Simple question: Does Ziltoid plan to give us misguided humans the pleasure of enjoying him in concert before he will destroy our planet?

Maybe his live performance would be so awesome that the concert itself would destroy earth...

#161194 by NFF
Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:11 am
IMO there is no way dev is gonna be doing any touring for a long time the guy needs his rest. we may get the occasional transition on myspace or youtube but i think thats about all were gonna see of zilly.

#161282 by Persuader
Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:31 am
It would be awesome to have Ziltoid appear on a big screen, interacting with Devin on stage, telling him what songs to play etc...But I doubt we'll ever see it. :/

#161587 by Drumdude13
Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:11 pm
Hey Everyone,

If it happens I've already told Dev that I'd love to be involved or whenever he decides to whip the DTB together again, it would be cool to add some Ziltoid songs to the set. I love that record! Never say never but don't expect anything soon....

All the best,


#161592 by pastadude
Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:00 pm
Sounds good to me. I don't expect him to be on the road till 09 if he decides to go back.

P.S. Love Terror Syndrome! Get that record out! I gotta have it!

#162888 by metal-mike
Sat Dec 15, 2007 4:22 pm
yeah id love to see devin touring again oh well some day. 8) 8)

#162893 by Nathan_lol
Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:54 pm
Speaking of Devin touring, that would be amazing. I had a dream where he was opening for Symphony X but I arrived to the venue just as he was finishing. I was pissed.

#164532 by 21st Century Jesus
Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:04 am
its not like dev is 72, hes just gone on holiday for a while, to me its a sure thing that he'll continue playing live sometime. obviously no ziltoid tour, but i tell you retirement sucks too...


#167422 by Marijn
Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:42 pm
[quote=]"hes just gone on holiday for a while, to me its a sure thing that he'll continue playing live sometime''[/quote]

I also think Devin will be on the road again in a couple of years. And of course, I hope so. And if he does, I'd do anything to get a concert ticket :wink: .
#167866 by Kuhaa
Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:35 am
I would sell my other kidney to see Devin play live. Though I doubt he'd come to Finland if he started touring again.


#174295 by sj_2150
Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:16 pm
Nathan_lol wrote:Speaking of Devin touring, that would be amazing. I had a dream where he was opening for Symphony X but I arrived to the venue just as he was finishing. I was pissed.

did you also have one about how ugly your avatar is? :D

i had a dream in the same vein acctually but for some reason dev was playing in some tine function room and the sound wasnt working properly :?

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