The latter part of Funeral, that goes into Bastard, is floating in the middle of the ocean on a beautiful sunny day with clouds that capture every color of the spectrum, that suddenly turn grey and cruel, as a furious thunderstorm rolls in...
Persuader wrote:Death of music gives me images of a dark beach, somewhat like this
Hell yeah!
Biert Is Extraordinarily Rad & Terrific | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy
"bastard" is an empty, nightly harbour scene for me. lots of architecture, but all lifeless and shimmering wet by rain and the seabreeze.
"voices in the fan" evokes pictures of the inside of some small house or hutt by the sea, one you could imagine an author or poet living in. but he's gone, no-ones around and the dust is hovering in the early morning sunrays. really early morning, like 4 a.m., and there's that fan standing on the desk. this one is really strong in my mind.
"funeral" is a rainy funeral scene, also near the sea.
in my mind, the sea is always close in those ocean machine-scenes, but there are no underwater scenes. quite a lot of man made stuff, in fact, but it's all dark, greyish-blue, and it rains most of the time.
.... ahhhh crap, now i'm lost in there again
seems like i have to put on the album once more. this album is not normal.
"voices in the fan" evokes pictures of the inside of some small house or hutt by the sea, one you could imagine an author or poet living in. but he's gone, no-ones around and the dust is hovering in the early morning sunrays. really early morning, like 4 a.m., and there's that fan standing on the desk. this one is really strong in my mind.
"funeral" is a rainy funeral scene, also near the sea.
in my mind, the sea is always close in those ocean machine-scenes, but there are no underwater scenes. quite a lot of man made stuff, in fact, but it's all dark, greyish-blue, and it rains most of the time.
.... ahhhh crap, now i'm lost in there again

cool bands! <br> --> happy heavy pardy shit with a good shot of folk and a maniacal attitude <br> --> the more serious industrial metal stuff. loaded with samples, groove and atmosphere, rather syl-ish
Seventh Wave:
I'm alone on an isolated beach at night, a veritable deserted island consumed by the vast horizon of surrounding ocean. No light except from the moon. The waves are rising (yeah I know, derr), pounding the beach; but not in a threatening way. This gives me a feeling of acceptance, and gratitude.
Voices in the Fan:
This one, as a previous poster stated, provides the most vivid images in my mind. The scene starts out on a lonely daytime beach, on a fair day. As soon as the first verse ends, I get a strong vision of a small dwelling with cold, but somehow nostalgic walls, that reflect pools of light and water. This song, for some reason, has a hint of nostalgia I personally respond to.
I freaking love how this song starts out: with the pleasing outro of 'Funeral', that hastily becomes like a nice day at sea being overtaken by a major storm. When the 'Girl from Blue City' part kicks in, I see a small futuristic city on the sea, which has become somewhat worn down.
Arguably my favorite album from the Dev.
I'm alone on an isolated beach at night, a veritable deserted island consumed by the vast horizon of surrounding ocean. No light except from the moon. The waves are rising (yeah I know, derr), pounding the beach; but not in a threatening way. This gives me a feeling of acceptance, and gratitude.

Voices in the Fan:
This one, as a previous poster stated, provides the most vivid images in my mind. The scene starts out on a lonely daytime beach, on a fair day. As soon as the first verse ends, I get a strong vision of a small dwelling with cold, but somehow nostalgic walls, that reflect pools of light and water. This song, for some reason, has a hint of nostalgia I personally respond to.
I freaking love how this song starts out: with the pleasing outro of 'Funeral', that hastily becomes like a nice day at sea being overtaken by a major storm. When the 'Girl from Blue City' part kicks in, I see a small futuristic city on the sea, which has become somewhat worn down.
Arguably my favorite album from the Dev.
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